Holguín Health Department Denies Need for Blood Donations After Fire at Military Unit

There are texts circulating online from supposed doctors requesting blood donations. However, the director of the municipal polyclinic stated that no injured individuals were received following the incident in Melones.

Personas huyen tras explosiones en unidad militar en Holguín © Collage de capturas de video de Facebook
People flee after explosions at a military unit in Holguín Photo © Collage of video captures from Facebook

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The Holguín Health Department stated that blood donations are not needed following the fire at a military ammunition storage facility in the town of Melones, which resulted in several explosions leaving 13 people missing.

The entity shared on its Facebook wall statements from Dr. Yudisney Pérez Viamonte, the health director of the municipality of Rafael Freyre, who revealed that in addition to the residents of Melones, the communities of Sao Redondo and Sao Nuevo were also evacuated.

According to the official, so far, none of the people assisted and evacuated require any urgent medical treatment.

"After the evaluation by the medical team and psychologists, therefore, there is no patient requiring a blood transfusion and blood donation is not necessary for what happened in Melones," he emphasized.

Facebook capture / Provincial Health Department of Holguín

After the magnitude of the disaster became known, posts began circulating on social media from alleged doctors demanding massive blood donations. However, no official or unofficial source has mentioned any injuries; the government has only confirmed that there are 13 missing persons, many of whom are already presumed dead.

In this regard, Manuel Rojas, director of the municipal polyclinic Mario Muñoz, stated that the center did not receive any patients with injuries from the incident in Melones.

Facebook screenshot / Manuel Rojas

"There are no injuries at this time in our polyclinic to carry out a mass blood donation due to the injured in Melones," emphasized in a post.

The residents of the Melones community experienced moments of panic and distress on Tuesday when they began to hear the explosions from the fire that occurred at the weapons and ammunition storage facility.

Shared videos on social media reveal the fear and distress of the residents as they listened to the explosions and had no idea of the cause. The people rushed out of their homes and ran while calling out to one another.

"Calm down, woman, calm down!" a man said to his wife as she walked several meters ahead on the road. "Oh, I can't," she replied, her voice heavy with distress.

Other images show the thick column of smoke and the strong flames in the distance, behind the houses. At first, most people reacted by staying in their homes, but soon they decided that the best course of action was to flee.

"Oh my God! Let's all go, let's get out of here!" shouted a startled woman.

The reports reveal the magnitude of the explosion recorded in the munitions storage facility. The incident was caused by a fire while aging ammunition was being sorted.

Frequently asked questions about the fire at the military unit in Holguín

Why does the Health Directorate of Holguín deny the need for blood donations?

The Health Directorate of Holguín claims that, after the fire in Melones, there are no individuals requiring blood transfusions. According to the health director of the municipality Rafael Freyre, blood donations are not needed for those affected by the incident.

How many people have been evacuated due to the fire in Melones?

More than 1,200 people were evacuated as a safety measure following the explosions at the munitions storage facility in Melones. The evacuation is a precautionary measure due to the nature of the materials stored.

What has the Cuban government said about the explosions in Holguín?

The Cuban government, through MINFAR, has reported that the causes of the fire are being investigated. However, there have been criticisms regarding the silence and the lack of detailed information about the incident and its consequences.

Is there a pattern of similar incidents in military facilities in Cuba?

Yes, incidents at Cuban military facilities are not isolated and have occurred on other occasions, raising concerns about safety. In particular, questions are being raised about the lack of maintenance and appropriate safety protocols at these facilities.

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