Manuel Marrero without answers for families of the missing following the explosion of military materials in Holguín.

Marrero's tweet is very similar to the one published by Díaz-Canel just hours earlier. They only reversed the order of the sentences, but they even used the same photograph.

Manuel Marrero Cruz © Twitter / Manuel Marrero Cruz
Manuel Marrero CruzPhoto © Twitter / Manuel Marrero Cruz

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More than 24 hours after the fire that occurred at an Army ammunition warehouse in the Holguin community of Melones, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz shared his condolences on social media.

On his X account, the leader expressed that he deeply regrets the incident and is keeping abreast of the investigation into its causes.

"We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of the 13 missing individuals," he concluded.

The delay in his message and his distortion of the truth sparked a multitude of criticisms.

"Minister, what a late time for you to offer 'condolences' for the tragic event! Although you don't know what the helplessness and frustration of a father feels like, almost forced to have his son serve 'against his will'," said a user.

"Incredible that they call it a fire; that was a lack of caution or protocol measures. Irresponsible, a huge explosion. 13 dead," questioned another.

"They are deceased, not missing. All of this is the fault of the dictatorship for sending young people to deactivate bombs when they are not prepared. They have blood on their hands. Murderers!" expressed a mother.

"How long will there be so many innocent victims from accidents and not a single culprit?" asked another internet user.

Marrero's tweet bears a striking resemblance to the one published by Miguel Díaz-Canel a few hours earlier. They simply reversed the order of the sentences, and even used the same photograph.

"We deeply regret the fire that occurred in a MINFAR warehouse in Melones, in the municipality of Rafael Freyre, Holguín. We express our solidarity and support to the families of the 13 missing persons. Full attention is being given to the incident, and the causes are under investigation," states the message from the governor on their X account.

The shamelessness of the ruler was such that he was able to express his condolences to the people and government of China for the victims of an earthquake in Tibet, before making any statement about the disaster in Holguín, which resulted in 13 casualties, including young recruits undergoing military service.

More than six hours passed from the first official information about the explosions at the FAR arsenal until Díaz-Canel made his first public reference to the events.

Cuban activist Miryorly García criticized on her social media the official press's handling of information regarding the incident in Holguín, while dedicating extensive reports to Díaz-Canel's recent trip to the Sierra Maestra, where he was filmed celebrating.

This fact was one of the most scrutinized given the emergency situation and tragedy unfolding in Holguín, where 13 families are devastated by the disappearance and possible death of their loved ones.

Hours after the incident, the Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR) still had no conclusions regarding potential human casualties. A brief note hinted that there could be victims and revealed that 361 people living nearby had been evacuated for safety.

Later, it was confirmed that there are 13 missing: four officers and nine soldiers, whom many already presume to be dead.

However, the authorities have not specified the ages or the circumstances of the incident, which has fueled the distrust and pain of the affected families.

Frequently Asked Questions about the explosion at the Holguín military warehouse

What happened at the military warehouse in Holguín?

The fire at an Army ammunition depot in Holguín caused explosions that left 13 people missing. The detonations occurred while aging ammunition was being sorted, raising concerns and criticisms regarding safety at Cuban military facilities.

Who are the missing persons following the explosion in Holguín?

The Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR) identified the 13 missing persons: two majors, two second sergeants, and nine soldiers. The missing soldiers were allegedly fulfilling their Mandatory Military Service.

What has been the response of the Cuban government to the incident in Holguín?

The government's response has been criticized due to delays and a lack of transparency. Manuel Marrero and Miguel Díaz-Canel shared messages of condolences on social media after expressing solidarity with China regarding an earthquake. The official press limited the information, and the authorities have not yet provided conclusive details about the causes of the disaster.

What safety measures have been implemented following the explosion in Holguín?

More than 1,200 people were evacuated from the communities near the military warehouse in Melones as a precautionary measure. Authorities assure that monitoring and analysis of the situation continue, but the lack of information has generated distrust among the citizens.

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A team of journalists committed to reporting on current events in Cuba and global issues of interest. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide accurate news and critical analysis.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on current events in Cuba and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide accurate news and critical analysis.