Cuban's trailer stolen in Miami while enjoying a ride on a jet ski

In Miami-Dade, a Cuban had his trailer stolen while he was riding a jet ski. The incident highlights concerns about the increasing crime in crowded areas such as marinas.

A Cuban resident in Miami was the victim of a theft involving his trailer while he was enjoying a ride on a jet ski at Pelican Harbor Marina, in Miami-Dade County.

The incident occurred this Monday, shortly after 2:00 p.m., when the man launched his jet ski into the sea from ramp 79 and parked his Jeep with the trailer at the location.

Upon returning two hours later to the parking lot to take the vehicle to the ramp and retrieve the motorcycle from the sea, he discovered that the trailer had been stolen.

"Turns out my trailer was just stolen at the Marina de la 79. A Monday at 2 PM. That's how bad crime is in Miami-Dade County," said the Cuban on his TikTok El Personaje profile (@elpersonaje305).

The man reported the theft immediately to the authorities, who asked him not to move or touch his Jeep while they began their investigations at the scene.

The increase in crime in Miami-Dade continues to be a source of concern for residents, especially in busy areas like marinas.

This case adds to a series of similar incidents that have raised alarms about safety in public spaces. Authorities are urging the population to take additional precautions to avoid becoming victims of theft.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Rise in Crime in Miami

What happened to the Cuban resident in Miami at Pelican Harbor Marina?

A Cuban resident in Miami was the victim of trailer theft while enjoying a jet ski ride at Pelican Harbor Marina. Upon returning to his vehicle, he discovered that the trailer had been stolen.

How is the rise in crime affecting residents of Miami?

The increase in crime in Miami-Dade raises concerns among residents, especially in busy areas like marinas. Thefts of vehicles and properties have risen significantly, affecting the perception of safety and heightening anxiety among the population.

What measures are the authorities taking to combat crime in Miami?

The authorities are intensifying patrols and investigations to combat crime in the area. Recommendations have been issued to residents to take additional precautions, such as parking in well-lit areas and activating alarm systems in their vehicles.

What is the relationship between crime in Miami and the Cuban community?

The Cuban community in Miami has been both a victim and a key player in some of the recent criminal incidents. Cases such as thefts and arrests involving individuals of Cuban descent have been highlighted in the media, reflecting both the vulnerability and the involvement of this community in the current insecurity situation.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.