Does the same happen throughout the United States? A Cuban shares what he doesn't like about living in Louisville

A Cuban in Louisville criticizes the constant smell of marijuana in public spaces, highlighting the cultural clash for immigrants. His complaint on TikTok sparked similar reactions from other cities across the U.S.

A Cuban living in Louisville, Kentucky, has not hesitated to share an aspect he dislikes about his home. In a video he posted on TikTok, the user who goes by @blued_diamond does not hide his frustration as he addresses one of the issues that bothers him the most: the strong smell of marijuana in many public spaces.

"It's normal to go buy bread and notice the stink. It can be smelled from miles away," he commented emphatically. According to his account, it doesn't matter how much perfume is used to try to mask it; the smell lingers. "Every time you sit next to someone or are on any corner, you notice it," he added.

The Cuban explained that this phenomenon is not exclusive to certain places, but rather a constant in his daily experience in Kentucky.

His observation about the widespread presence of the smell of marijuana generated a flood of comments, both in support and in criticism, on the platform.

Among the comments received on the video, there are testimonies from people in other states who shared similar experiences: "I live in Texas and it's horrible with marijuana everywhere, I feel the same way, I can't stand that smell."; "You can even smell it from car to car, it's super unpleasant. I also live in Louisville and I agree with you."; "It's the same in New Jersey. Today at work, believe me, I felt overwhelmed by three clients surrounding me."; "Here in Oklahoma, it's worse, it's crazy."; "It's everywhere in the country."; "It's like that all over the United States." or "Here in Jacksonville, it's the same."

Her publication highlights the cultural challenges that immigrants face when adapting to new realities, showing how certain experiences, while normal for some, can be bothersome or shocking for others. Does this happen in your city as well?

Frequently Asked Questions About Living in Louisville, Kentucky

How does the cost of living affect immigrants in Louisville?

The cost of living in Louisville is relatively more affordable than in cities like Miami. Rent prices are lower, which can be an advantage for immigrants looking to establish themselves financially. However, the cost of living can vary depending on individual needs and lifestyle.

What are the opinions of other Cubans about living in Louisville?

Opinions about living in Louisville are varied. Some Cubans highlight the job opportunities and the affordable cost of living, while others mention challenges such as the cold weather and the need to speak English. Each person's experience can differ depending on their expectations and adaptation to the environment.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.