Homeless Cuban in Miami pleads for help to get off the street and support his mother in Cuba

The man seems to be unbalanced. He does not remember when he was born or what happened to the assistance he was receiving from the government. He lost his documents in an accident and is trying to reconnect with his family.

A Cuban who is living on the streets of Miami, undocumented and ill, is asking for help to escape his situation and be able to support his mother in Cuba.

Yoel Carmona claims that he lost his documents, has nowhere to live, and lacks proper medical assistance. In a video shared on social media, he recounted that he had an accident four years ago in Orlando, where he fell from a building.

"I have never been like this, I have never seen myself like this, I don’t know why they did this to me now. What I really need now is a place to live and to be able to care for my mom, who is sick in Cuba, and to communicate, because the phone I had was from the government and it seems they blocked it, because I don't know anything about my mom," she expressed.

The video was shared on TikTok by the user Conducta, who spreads awareness about homeless cases in Miami in an effort to help them.

"Share this video. We want to connect Yoel with the people who care about him and ensure that he receives the help he needs," requested the author of the post.

The recording shows that Yoel is unbalanced. He is unsure of when he was born or what has happened to the assistance he received from the government.

According to what he said, he spent a year living in the backyard of a man's house, who later kicked him out and kept his documents: his birth certificate and that of his mother.

In the comments section, several internet users claimed to know him from Cuba. They identified him as a resident of Boyeros, a municipality in Havana, and stated that his mother and other relatives live on the island.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Situation of Homeless Cubans in Miami

What is the story of Yoel Carmona, the homeless Cuban in Miami?

Yoel Carmona is a Cuban living on the streets of Miami without documents and facing health issues. He lost his papers after an accident in Orlando and is now looking for a safe place to live and be able to help his sick mother in Cuba. His situation has worsened because he has no access to proper medical assistance or means to communicate with his family on the Island.

How does the lack of documents affect Cuban immigrants in Miami?

The lack of legal documents is a critical issue for many Cuban immigrants in Miami, such as Yoel Carmona, as it prevents them from accessing formal employment, adequate medical services, and social assistance programs, leaving them in situations of extreme vulnerability and without a clear path to stability.

What role do social media play in helping homeless Cubans in Miami?

Social media, especially platforms like TikTok, play a crucial role in highlighting the situations of homeless Cubans in Miami. Profiles like Conducta share individual cases, mobilizing the community to provide support through donations and seeking solutions for those affected.

What resources are available to help homeless Cuban immigrants in Miami?

In Miami, there are organizations and temporary shelters that aim to assist Cuban immigrants who are homeless. However, resources are limited and the solutions offered are often not sustainable in the long term. Social networks and the community play a crucial role in providing visibility and additional support.

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