A 22-year-old Cuban woman living in Italy received a derogatory comment on TikTok questioning her decision to become a mother at a young age and making insinuations about her departure from Cuba. The young woman, known on the platform as @chiaraselvaggi, did not remain silent and responded with a powerful video in which she defended her story and highlighted the disrespectfulness of the comment.
The comment read: “Too young to have children at that age, you should be studying. What a pity that Cuban women have to go through this”. In response, the young woman said:
"What an ugly comment yours was. Really, an ugly comment, and I'm not referring to the first part but the second. 'What a pity that Cuban women have to go through this.' Address what you know, commenting on my life without even knowing me or anything about my life. I don't owe explanations to anyone, but I'm going to give them to you so that when you want to speak, you do so with a foundation."
In her response, the Cuban woman clarified that she did not experience any of the situations implied by the comment. She explained that she married her high school sweetheart at the age of 18 and that both of them already held foreign nationalities before emigrating. Furthermore, she added:
"If I had left Cuba in the way you imply, I would be proud because those who do so are brave individuals who are eager to move forward and fight for a better future for themselves and their families. But that was not my case, and it is also unfair that people who have struggled to improve their lives have to bear such disparaging comments."
The young woman took the opportunity to share details about her life, stating that she finished school while pregnant and that both her first child, whom she had at 20, and the second, who came when she was 22, were planned and wanted pregnancies. She concluded her message by saying:
"I am almost 23 years old, happy and surrounded by love, living the life I chose. My pregnancies were wanted, planned, and sought after. As a child, I was taught not to interfere in other people's lives, and that is what I do."
The video has generated numerous reactions on social media, where many users have praised the way the young woman handled the situation and defended both her personal story and those who are striving to build a better life away from Cuba.
Some of the most notable comments in support of the young woman were:
"How foolish people are! It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and confirm it."
"Better response, impossible."
"People never stop judging. That's why modern society is the way it is. When I met you, I was amazed that, even at such a young age, you were such a good mother. I will never forget that."
"They still think that we Cuban women don't know how to give excellent answers... I congratulate you and keep moving forward. You are, and we are, warriors."
"It was about responding to her, not crushing her. Excellent response; it says a lot about you."
Frequently asked questions about the young Cuban's response to criticisms on social media
Why did the young Cuban woman receive criticism on TikTok?
The young Cuban, known as @chiaraselvaggi, faced criticism on TikTok for being a young mother, specifically a disparaging comment that questioned her decision to have children at a young age and made insinuations about her leaving Cuba. The comment pointed out that she was "too young to have children" and lamented that Cuban women "have to go through this."
How did the young Cuban respond to the criticism regarding her personal life?
The young Cuban responded with a video where she defended her story and pointed out the lack of respect in the comment she received. She clarified that her pregnancies were planned, desired, and that she did not leave Cuba under the circumstances suggested, reaffirming that she owes no explanations to anyone.
What message did the young woman want to convey about the criticisms faced by Cuban women who emigrate?
The young woman emphasized that it is unfair for those who have fought to improve their lives to face derogatory comments. In her message, she highlighted that leaving Cuba bravely is an act worthy of pride, although that was not her personal case.
What reactions did the response from the young Cuban generate on social media?
The response of the young Cuban sparked numerous reactions on social media, where many users praised the way she handled the situation. They supported her for defending both her personal story and the Cubans who are striving for a better life away from Cuba.
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