Cuban living in Mexico: "Here, even the Chupa Chups are spicy."

Elizabeth, a Cuban in Mexico, humorously shares her cultural adaptation, from the spiciness in Chupa Chups to linguistic misunderstandings. She highlights the kindness and opportunities in the country.

Elizabeth, a Cuban living in Mexico, is making more than one person laugh with her spontaneous way of sharing how she's adapted to a country so different from her own. In her video, she talks about the things that would leave anyone thinking, such as the confusion between words or the surprise that even Chupa Chups have a spicy flavor here.

Amid laughter, she explains how upon arriving, she had to learn that "popote" is what she has always known as a straw, and that "totopo" is the fried tortilla that Mexicans use for dipping in guacamole. She was also taken aback to discover that what they call "sandía" in Mexico has always been melon for her, and the fruit they refer to as melon here is something she doesn't even know the name of in Cuba. One of the comments on her video pointed out that this is not unusual, as every country has its own "language" when it comes to food. Another user couldn't resist and joked, "No wonder they say, 'Is it melon, is it sandía, or is it the old lady from the other day?'"

But what really blew her mind was the famous "torta cubana." For her, this dish has nothing to do with Cuba, and even less with what they call “torta” in her country. “In Cuba, that torta doesn’t even exist. It’s just bread with lechón, and that’s it,” she says with the spark that characterizes Cubans. This sparked a debate in the comments, where some explained that the name comes from the fact that “it has everything, just like Cubans themselves.” Others said its origin is related to a street called Cuba in Mexico City, and someone else insisted that Fidel Castro had something to do with it.

What has impressed her the most, however, is the way Mexicans treat others. Despite the cultural clashes, she acknowledges that people are very polite and helpful, and that Mexico is a country full of opportunities. In her words, "here you can achieve your goals and have a good quality of life." A follower responded with a warm message: "I love your accent and you are beautiful, welcome to Mexico."

The video of this Cuban woman, shared on her account @eliponte05, has managed to resonate with those who have lived in another country and understand what it means to adapt to a new culture. Some asked her to explain other Cuban expressions, such as “precio de gallina muerta” or the famous “qué bolá, asere.” Others admitted that they were also confused by words like “guagua” meaning bus, or that they never understood the concept of “reparto.”

His experience shows that cultural differences can be as perplexing as they are amusing, and in the end, both Cubans and Mexicans share a special connection that goes beyond words.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Experience of Cubans Living in Mexico

Why does Elizabeth, a Cuban in Mexico, mention that even Chupa Chups are spicy?

Elizabeth comments in her video that she was surprised to discover that in Mexico, even Chupa Chups have a spicy flavor. This illustrates the cultural and gastronomic differences she has encountered since arriving in the country, showcasing how adaptation can be both fun and challenging at the same time. This difference surprised her since it is not common to find spicy candies in Cuba.

What impressed Elizabeth the most about the Mexicans?

Elizabeth was impressed by the treatment of the Mexicans, describing them as very polite and helpful. Despite the cultural differences, she emphasizes that Mexico is a country full of opportunities where goals can be achieved and quality of life can be attained.

How has discovering the "torta cubana" in Mexico impacted Elizabeth?

Elizabeth was surprised to find the "Cuban cake" in Mexico, as for her, this dish has no relation to what is understood as "torta" in Cuba. In her country, a torta is simply bread with lechón. This sparked a debate about the origin of the name and the cultural differences in gastronomy.

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CiberCuba Entertainment Editorial Team. We bring you the latest in culture, shows, and trends from Cuba and Miami.