Energy crisis in Cuba: Matanzas Electric Company announces supply of "one hour of electricity per day"

"The province is experiencing average daily outages of around 20 to 22 hours of continuous disruption. The strategy is to gradually provide one hour of electricity to the most affected circuits," stated a source interviewed by local television.

The province of Matanzas is facing an unprecedented crisis in electricity supply, with power outages of up to 22 hours a day, which has forced authorities to take extraordinary measures.

The Electric Company of Matanzas announced this Saturday that the current strategy is to guarantee one hour of electricity per day in the most affected circuits, in an effort to distribute the scarce energy resources equitably.

According to statements from an unidentified authority in a report by TV Yumurí, severe energy restrictions have forced extreme measures to be taken. “The idea is to reduce demand mainly in the state sector, in order to ensure and have a little more energy, so that we could increase the hours of service being provided to the clients,” the source explained.

“The province is experiencing average daily outages of about 20 to 22 hours of continuous disruption. The strategy is to gradually provide one hour of power to the most affected circuits,” the interviewed source noted.

He also explained that the service of "one hour of electricity" responds to the need to "at least reach all circuits with a bit of electricity, based on the measures being taken by the Energy Council."

The critical situation has led to the activation of this provincial entity, chaired by the First Secretary of the Communist Party in the province, Mario Sabines Lorenzo, and the governor Marieta Poey Zamora.

Screenshot Facebook / TV Yumurí

During an extraordinary meeting with executives and officials from various sectors, a plan of measures was agreed upon to address the contingency

- Suspension of non-essential activities: Reduction of consumption in sectors that are not vital, with the aim of prioritizing basic services.

- Strict control of large consumers: Strict supervision of entities with high electricity consumption to optimize available resources.

- Food support in communities: Preparation and distribution of food in neighborhoods to ensure access to essential products.

- Specialized attention for vulnerable groups: Strengthening the Family Attention System (SAF) and other support mechanisms for populations in vulnerable situations.

Similarly, the provincial Energy Council addressed this Saturday the need to improve fuel efficiency and the performance of the generators. In this regard, the importance of monitoring the fuel coverage of these units and training the operators to optimize energy savings was emphasized.

Among the proposed solutions, the aim is for the Jesús Sablón Moreno sugar mill in Calimete to achieve complete energy self-sufficiency, in order to alleviate the demand on the provincial electrical grid. Additionally, violations in energy use have been reported in areas such as Ciénaga de Zapata, Los Arabos, and Varadero, prompting an increase in inspections.

The energy crisis affecting Matanzas is set against the broader context of recurrent issues, exacerbated by the obsolescence of the national electrical system, fuel shortages, and inadequate infrastructure. The population continues to face a desperate situation with a direct impact on their quality of life, without clear short-term solutions.

Screenshot Facebook / Lisbet Mendoza

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.