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The report regarding the alarming physical deterioration of a young Cuban allegedly punished for refusing to comply with the Mandatory Military Service (SMO) has sparked outrage on social media.
The report was published on Facebook by the user Darian Santiesteban Tamayo, who shared images showing the condition of Daniel Zaldívar Tamayo, a young man who, according to his account, was arrested at his home and taken to a military unit in Havana known as "El Globo," which is used as a punishment center for those who refuse to serve in the ranks of the Cuban army.

"Look at these distressing images, this is what the Cuban regime does to young people in Military Service", wrote Santiesteban Tamayo in his post.
"This young man, Daniel Zaldívar Tamayo, refused to serve the thugs [...]. They went to his house and forcibly took him away, arresting him against his will, and he is being held in a facility in Havana where he is being cruelly punished. Just look at his physical condition, which is nothing compared to how he must be doing mentally."
The testimony has sparked a wave of reactions on social media. Friends of the family confirmed Zaldívar Tamayo's difficult situation and the inability of his parents to intervene in his case.
"Parents cannot do anything, the father is a farmer and has to work to support the mother and six younger siblings under very poor conditions. He has tried to communicate with him, but they have him isolated," commented a user.
Other relatives expressed their sorrow over the young man's situation:
"It is painful to see my cousin in these conditions", wrote a relative.
"This hurts, my brother is also there for the same situation," added another person, highlighting that such reprisals are not isolated cases.
In addition, several former recruits confirmed the harshness of the military unit where Zaldívar Tamayo is located.
"I was in that unit, and it really is tough; you have to be really on point to be there," assured a user.
"I served in Mariel, and I can tell you that a few of my colleagues were there for 30 to 45 days, and when they returned, they were unrecognizable due to the mistreatment and hunger. What is written is little to describe that place," recounted another former recruit.
The report has sparked debate about Military Service in Cuba, which is mandatory for males starting at the age of 16. Human rights activists have repeatedly warned about the conditions faced by recruits and the reprisals that those who attempt to refuse service may encounter.
A campaign against Mandatory Military Service in Cuba has gained momentum in recent years, particularly after tragic incidents that have highlighted the risks and adverse conditions faced by young recruits.
One of the most significant triggers was the fire at the Supertankers Base in Matanzas in August 2022, where several recruits lost their lives while participating in firefighting efforts.
This event sparked a wave of indignation on social media, where Cuban internet users employed the hashtag #NoAlServicioMilitarObligatorio to demand the repeal of the law that requires male adolescents to register for military service upon turning 16.
In January 2025, another tragedy at an ammunition depot in Holguín, which resulted in the disappearance of nine young soldiers and four military personnel, reignited the campaign.
Activists and organizations such as Impacto Juvenil Republicano led protests in various provinces, denouncing the SMO as an oppressive and dangerous system for Cuban youth.
Despite the growing criticism, the Cuban government has strengthened sanctions related to military service violations.
In October 2024, Decree 103/2024 was approved, imposing fines of up to 7,000 Cuban pesos on those who do not register for military service or fail to appear when summoned by the Military Committee.
In addition, the parents or guardians of minors are held responsible for the offenses committed by them.
Frequently Asked Questions about Mandatory Military Service in Cuba and Its Impacts
What happened to Daniel Zaldívar Tamayo for refusing military service in Cuba?
Daniel Zaldívar Tamayo was arrested and taken to a military unit in Havana known as "el Globo" for refusing to comply with Mandatory Military Service. His physical deterioration has been shared on social media, sparking outrage over the conditions he is in and the reprisals he faces for his refusal. His parents have been unable to intervene in his case due to communication issues and economic difficulties.
What are the consequences of refusing Mandatory Military Service in Cuba?
Refusing Mandatory Military Service in Cuba can lead to severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Decree 103/2024, for example, imposes fines of up to 7,000 Cuban pesos and holds parents accountable for minors who fail to register for military service. Additionally, there are cases of young people who have been detained and punished in military units for their refusal to fulfill the service.
What complaints have been made about the treatment of recruits in Military Service in Cuba?
Reports of mistreatment, humiliation, and precarious living conditions during military service in Cuba have been made. Former recruits have reported abuse and hunger in military units, with cases of young individuals suffering physical and mental deterioration. Situations of disappearance and deaths of recruits under unclear circumstances have also been documented, which has sparked criticism of the Cuban regime.
Why is mandatory military service a problem for Cuban families?
Mandatory Military Service in Cuba places a significant burden on many families, especially those in vulnerable situations. In many cases, young people are forced to participate, disrupting the family dynamic. Cases like that of Sandra Jiménez Cruz, who relies on her son to care for her sick mother, illustrate the difficulties families face due to this obligation imposed by the Cuban government.
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