Preparation time:
15 min
This is one of the most frequent recipes in Cuban Food. It is uncomplicated, easy and quick to do. The only problem is that it has guard and custody, you will have to be careful because as they fry they disappear from the kitchens!!
- Green bananas
- oil or lard
Peel the banana and cut it into pieces 3 or 5 centimeters thick. Pour them into the pan with the warm fat and cook until they begin to brown. Let them cool. Crush them with the same banana peel or with thick paper.
Almost as soon as you serve them, fry them again in hot fat. Sprinkle them with salt before serving. Some people prefer to soak the tostones in salted water before frying them a second time and not adding salt after frying. Either way can be used.
It depends on the amount of banana used