Guava jam with cow cheese | Photo © CiberCuba Cocina
CiberCuba Cocina

Guava marmalade

Preparation time:
60 min
Guava is a fruit with many properties that make it optimal to include in our daily diet. It is rich in fiber and contains significant amounts of folic acid, potassium and vitamins A and C. It is native to tropical climates in America, Asia and Oceania. We Cubans make many sweets with it, among our favorites is guava jam, which is also included in many other preparations. See our recipe.
  • 1 kg of ripe guavas
  • 1 kg white sugar
  • 1 liter of water

For this dessert, red guavas are preferably used.

You can choose to remove the skin from the guavas or not, it is optional. What is important is that you wash them and cut them into medium pieces.

Guavas / CiberCuba Cuisine

In a saucepan, boil the guava pieces until they are soft. Then drain them and reserve the water because it will be necessary to regulate the density of the jam.

When blending the cooked guavas, add water depending on the consistency of the pulp. It should be of medium thickness, never too liquid. When it has the consistency you like, strain the guava pulp to remove the seeds.

Add the sugar to the guava pulp and cook over low heat until it starts to turn a bright red color. It is important that you stir continuously to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.

Guava jam with cow cheese / CiberCuba Cocina

Some people put it hot in the glass knobs and others prefer to wait for it to cool. You choose.

I hope you enjoy this delicious Cuban recipe.

Enjoy your meal!!
