A 24-year-old pregnant woman dies in Cuba: Her mother accuses doctors of negligence

Carmen assures that she will take her complaint to all levels "because I do not want other mothers to suffer what I am suffering now, nor do more 24-year-olds die due to lack of opportunity in medical care."

Zeida Medinilla‎ © Collage CiberCuba (Facebook / Zeida Medinilla‎)
By Zeida Medini‎ Photo © Collage CiberCuba (Facebook / Zeida Medinilla‎)

This article is from 5 years ago

Carmen Elena Sánchez Medinilla reported on Facebook that her 24-year-old pregnant daughter died due to medical negligence in Sancti Spíritus.

According to what she says, the young Marien Rodríguez Sánchez suffered from heart disease and last Sunday, July 29, when she was 12 weeks pregnant, she began to feel short of breath.

Her mother, an intensive care nurse, immediately took her to the Trinidad hospital and there she was prescribed a linden infusion because “she was just nervous.”

Three days later Marien continued to feel bad and when she went to the hospital again they referred her to Santi Spíritus to be treated in Cardiology and Obstetrics and to have an Echo-cardiogram (ECHO) performed to rule out any problem.

However, Carmen says that the experience there was much worse. The doctor on duty didn't even want to treat her.

“He only told me: “take her to Cardiology” but he didn't bother to see her, she was a pregnant woman, the ones they say are a priority, but he didn't even finish reading the referral, nor did he put it on the Charge Sheet... nothing, he didn't look at her,” says Carmen.

It was then that she was taken to the NICU (Intensive Care and Emergency Unit) and there, around one in the afternoon, she was treated. Only the cardiology specialist “was in the room.”

The doctor arrived five hours later. At that time, according to the mother's testimony, her daughter wanted to leave because she could not stand the abuse anymore.

“Mommy, I want to leave this hospital, which is a big disaster. Let's get out of here, mommy. Take me to my hospital in Santa Clara where they always treat me and have never treated me so badly. There, if they treat me well, mommy, it's a disaster,” she told him. Marien said.

The specialist only ordered an electrocardiogram and said that she was fine, but at the insistence of the intensivist on duty they performed an ECHO, the result of which showed that the young woman had a clot in her heart.

Then “the run-and-run began and they transferred her to the Intensive Care room and began treatment after 7 hours in the provincial hospital without having done anything.”

At two in the morning, her daughter got worse and the doctor said that “he couldn't see her because she was in a serious case and that he would see her in the morning.” At 11:50 am. on Friday Marien passed away.

“My great pain,” the mother insists, “is that my daughter died repudiating the treatment she received at the Santi Spiritus provincial hospital by the obstetrician and the cardiologists, and she wanted to go to her hospital in Santa Clara where she was always treated very well.” good".

“I have the worst opinion of the director of the Santi Spiritus Maternity Hospital, I consider that man inhuman, my daughter almost dying and he was able in moments like those to justify the poor work of his obstetrician.”

Carmen assures that she will take her complaint to all levels “because I do not want other mothers to suffer what I am suffering now, nor do more 24-year-olds die due to lack of opportunity in medical care.”

"In my country it is stated that this program is a priority, but it seems that that was in the past, hopefully this will help the authorities take serious measures."

Marien was his only daughter. “My pain is eternal as my contempt for everyone who mistreated her is eternal,” he concluded.

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