Emotional farewell to the player who died in Villa Clara

Hundreds of people walked on foot next to the hearse carrying the minor's mortal remains.

Hundreds of people walked on foot next to the hearse that this Thursday transported themortal remains of the little Cuban player, just 11 years old, Emmanuel Cárdenas Gutiérrez, died in the last few hours after fighting for several weeks against a bacterial infection caused by a fingernail.

“The news shocked millions of Cubans who expressed our feelings on social networks about the death of the child Enmanuel Cárdenas, from the 11-12 year old team of Camajuaní, Villa Clara, victim of a bacterial infection. Once again and as many times as necessary... EPD his soul,” journalist Yassel Porto wrote on social networks, who shared a video on Facebook of the farewell that his people gave him.

The images showed how the hearse was preceded by the parade of several children carrying flowers, school and sports classmates of the deceased minor.

Next, behind the vehicle, hundreds of people accompanied the mortal remains of the minor on foot, in silence and with palpable sadness.

In the last hours The Cuban Baseball and Softball Federation published a message of condolences on social networks.

"We deeply regret the death of Emmanuel Cárdenas Gutiérrez, a Little League Baseball athlete from the municipality of Camajuaní, in Villa Clara. Our hug as a message of condolences to family and colleagues," the entity wrote on Twitter.

It was especially feltthe message from the official sports journalist Pavel Otero, who had met the minor on a recent visit to Camajuaní.

“It hurts me a lot because he is a child, and because I also met him, I talked to him, and we took a photo that I will cherish with great affection for a lifetime,” he noted.

Otero added that Enmanuel “He was one of the players with the most potential in his category in Camajuaní.”

“My deepest condolences to his family and his teammates. I will continue to use the cap that you gave me with a lot of love, and always thinking of Emmanuel,” he concluded.

This Thursday, thousands of comments in the different forums in which the news was announced attested to the enormous sadness over the death of the child athlete, who had just begun to live.

Although the official cause of the minor's death has not been revealed, various publications and comments on social networks have agreed that they were complications derived from a fingernail.

The battle for Enmanuel's life was long, since a publication on March 19 in the Los Leopardos Azucareros de Villa Clara Facebook group was interested in the minor's clinical evolution.

"Emmanuel got a nail on his foot, and from there he caught staphylococcus and is currently admitted to Santa Clara receiving antibiotics," wrote Daimany García on that occasion, who stated that the minor was stable but reported as critical. Unfortunately, little Emmanuel could not overcome his condition.

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