Guillermo del Sol celebrates 34 days on hunger strike: “I am going to go to the last consequences”

"I don't know what plans Raúl Castro has with me but I take on the challenge," declared the independent journalist.

Cuban independent journalist Guillermo del Sol Pérez Photo © Facebook / Adrian Del Sol Alfonso

This article is from 4 years ago

Cuban independent journalist Guillermo del Sol Pérez, who has now been confined in his home in Santa Clara on a hunger strike for 34 days, assured that he has no intention of giving up the fight, despite his delicate health condition.

“I don't know what plans Raúl Castro has with me but I take on the challenge, and I am going to go to the last consequences, until there are no more regulated ones in Cuba, or until I give up my life in the effort,” declared the opponent in a recent interview granted toRadio and Television Martí.

Del Sol, 53 years old and a member of the illegal Old Catholic Church, began his strike on August 13, after immigration authorities prevented his son,Adrián Del Sol Alfonso, traveling to an event in Trinidad and Tobago, because it was “regulated”.

The objective of the demonstration is to demand that the Cuban regime not prohibit citizens of the Island from leaving the country, just because they disagree with state policy.

As he explained to the aforementioned media, on Friday he was examined at his residence by a doctor, who said he was “sent by the public health authorities.” The activist claims to feel very low and that his body is no longer able to tolerate even the water he drinks.

“I don't think I have much left until I lose consciousness and they admit me,” he stressed.

For his part, Adrián Del Sol published an update on his father's health on Facebook last day. As detailed, Guillermo currently has a body weight of almost 48 kilograms and has pain in his kidneys.

“This man demands that the Cuban government comply with the current Constitution, which he completely violates. Violating the rights of all Cubans and universal rights,” he denounced on the aforementioned social network. “It seems unbelievable that we have to go back to the Hitler years where there were thousands of deaths.”

“These organizations, such as the European Union and the UN, that look after the well-being of people in the world (...) Let these organizations know that in Cuba people demand their rights.”

Since 2012, the “regulated” figure has existed in Cuba. A category that, in principle, only affected certain figures such as: senior leaders, university students linked to strategic programs, officials related to first-rate and scientific activities.

However, in recent times this measure has been used indiscriminately to block the departure of activists critical of the Government. The regime's goal, apparently, is to not expose the reality of political and civil life on the Island.

This action at the hands of the Government of Havana is in direct violation of theArticle 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which specifies that “every person has the right to move freely and to choose their residence in the territory of a State.”

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