Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy met on Wednesday with a group of Cuban influencers at the well-known Versailles restaurant in Little Havana, to discuss solutions to the current crisis on the island.
The member of the House of Representatives traveled to Miami to hold meetings with representatives and leaders of the Cuban-American community, with the aim of "listening" to the voice of the Cuban people, his office informed America news.
The YouTubers Alex Otaola, Michelito Chucho del Chucho, Ultrack and Liu Santiesteban were present at the meeting, as well as the opponents Eliécer Ávila and Rosa María Payá, among others.
"We Cubans need a global reaction, that global reaction, that global reaction can and must be led by the United States and begins by denouncing the illegitimacy of that regime, and then helping the Cuban people to recover their sovereignty," said Payá, leader of the CubaDecide platform.
A crowd gathered outside the restaurant, calling for freedom for the people of Cuba and demanding a more energetic attitude from North American President Joe Biden.
McCarthy was invited to Miami by Cuban-American congressmen Mario Díaz-Balart, Carlos A. Giménez and María Elvira Salazar, who sent a message to the United States Congress asking for help for the Cuban people.
"Today there is no confusion, either you are on the side of the Cuban people and the cause of freedom, or you are on the side of the regime. And until now, sadly it must be said, President Biden and his administration have gambled and have sided with the regime. That is why I am so proud of the exile," Díaz-Balart stressed.
The Republican leader of the Lower House plans to meet this Thursday with a representation of the combatants of Brigade 2506, who attacked Cuba in 1961.
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