Cuban music producer accused of stealing almost $78,000 from an elderly man in Florida

The 43-year-old Cuban was arrested this Wednesday in the city of Doral.

Yaroslan Bartutis, a Cuban producer and composer known as VLA Music, was arrested Wednesday by the Doral Police Department and faces serious charges after stealing nearly $78,000 from the bank account of an elderly man who was his landlord.

The accusations against Bartutis arose after paid bills for luxury vehicles - including a Porsche and a Lamborghini - as well as credit card bills, using the bank account of the landlord of the home he had rented for three years, as revealed America Camel.

The alleged victim is Valentino Zolli, a 67-year-old man who lives between Europe and Venezuela, who noticed a sharp drop in his account.

Zolli stated that Bartutis He made rent payments through bank transfers to his account, and that is why he knew his bank account number.

"I go to check the account and I see an amount of money that is missing and I say what happened here? and when I start to review the account statement, I see that I had started withdrawing money from March of last year until January 2 of this year." year,” Zolli said in statements to Telemundo 51.

“What was this man doing? He didn't take out a high amount, he took out 2,000; 2300; 2500 … The security of the banks is very, very bad,” concluded the affected person, who says he does not understand that you can withdraw money from a bank by giving only the account number.

In the end Bartutis managed to extract about $77,792. Zolli said he felt betrayed by the trust placed in the accused.

Proof of the arrested person's standard of living is the last photo on the Cuban producer's Instagram account.

“The closer you are to the goal, the more difficult the path is.” #2024, reads next to the image, an image where he is seen next to a luxurious Lamborghini.

Yaroslan Bartutis with his brand new Lamborghini, bought with money stolen from his landlord's account (Instagram Capture)

Bartutis appeared in court Thursday and was charged with organized fraud and theft from an elderly person. Judge Mindy S. Glazer ordered him to stay away from the victim and set bail at just over $47,000.

“It is an advanced crime that involves an elderly person. We have a policy of zero tolerance towards these acts that take advantage of older people,” said Edwin López, police chief in El Doral, who expressed concern about the case.

The authorities call on the community not to share personal information that could be used to commit fraud. Officer Lopez urged other potential victims to contact police.

As for Valentino Zolli, he claims that so far he has only received from the bank only half of the refund of the money he lost.

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