Clash between activists in demonstration in front of the Cuban Embassy in Madrid

“You have to have the blood of horchata to endure a personal attack, with direct insults,” said playwright Yunior García Aguilera, whom other Cuban activists addressed on several occasions with the nickname “Lost Flower.”

This article is from 2 years ago

The protest called by theSan Isidro Movement (MSI) and the27N in front of the Cuban embassy in Madrid for the “right to return” to Cuba, ended this Saturday with the withdrawal of its activists due to the aggressive and provocative tone used against them by other Cubans belonging to theActions for Democracy movement (AxD).

The MSI and 27N activists who arrived in front of the diplomatic headquarters of the Havana regime in Spain intended to support the call launched from Miami by the activist and art curator, Anamely Ramos, who was prevented by the Cuban authorities from returning to his country,forcing her into exile.

Before them, a small group of AxD arrived in front of the embassy and began chanting their slogans against the dictatorship, with special emphasis on the shouts of “down with communism”, “there is no dialogue with the dictatorship”, among others.

Highlighting the absence of the organizers, the AxD activists held a live broadcast in which they proclaimed themselves the “true resistance” in Spain against the dictatorship, referring to the MSI activists as “dialoguers” and left-wing people who play into the hands of the Cuban regime.

The accusations grew in tone, until they reached insults, disqualifications and personal defamations, especially directed against Yunior García Aguilera, an activist who has been in the public debate since he called theCivic March for Change of 15N and his subsequent march into exile in Spain.

“Not even Yunior, Flor Perdida, who said he was going to be here has come here… Masiel, the other and the other. There are none of those people here. That's a lie. None of those who summoned appear. That is all a lie, a fallacy of the Cuban left that we have here in Spain. They were sure in combination with these people (aiming at the embassy), with these henchmen, it was a plot they had with them (sic),” shouted one of the AxD activists.

With the arrival of the summoners, the shouts and insults redoubled. “Now Flor Perdida has arrived,” they told García Aguilera and his companions in a humiliating and provocative tone. For half an hour, the young people of the MSI and the 27N withstood the downpour of the AxD activists by displaying posters demanding the “right to return” and Cuban flags with the label “SOS Cuba.” The defamations and provocations against them did not stop.

After that time, the leader of AxD made his appearance,Lazaro Mireles. Far from calming the spirits of his followers, Mireles further influenced the defamations. “Everyone you see here is their accomplice, and they are part of the same plan,” he said, pointing to García Aguilera and other MSI activists, and to the regime's embassy. Then he asked his people for peace of mind: “what cannot be is for them to be attacked,” he asked.

“You have the square for yourselves,” García Aguilera told them before leaving the site due to the aggressiveness of the AxD activists. “They prefer to leave before speaking and saying down with communism. Look, those who want to unite Cubans, there they go, like dogs!” said one of these. “Like communist rats,” shouted another.

This Sunday, in the Twitter space “Café con Lou”, the playwright commented on his impressions after the incident. “They went to boycott, they were rude and violent. They gave a terrible image of the opposition, just what the regime wants. His behavior is food for 'Con filo', forHumberto Lopez and the news,” he noted.

“You have to have the blood of horchata to endure a personal attack, with direct insults,” said García Aguilera, who was addressed on several occasions with the nickname “Lost Flower.”

“This is not an ideological difference. There was violence there, they pushed the girls,” he said, showing his disagreement with the violent expressions and acts of the AxD activists. “I'm fed up with a sect coming to tell me what I have to think and how I have to demonstrate,” he added.

“Let's respect diversity. It is already good with single thinking and impositions. We are diverse and different. We must respect. There are extreme right-wing opponents, social democrats, etc. But in Cuba there is no democracy. Attacks between opponents make no sense, beyond their free ideologies. We have to stop with this nonsense and not fall into the game of the dictatorship,” said García Aguilera, recalling that from his “first interviews withCyberCuba"I have made it clear that I do not agree with communism, that I have faced that ideology."

“I want to be very clear about this,” Anamely Ramos warned this Saturday in a Facebook post, in relation to the events carried out by various actors from Cuban civil society in exile.

“Any act of repudiation (and similar things) is inadmissible to me. What happened today in Madrid is sad and sad. Our task is to gather, always gather, on the basis of respect and taking care of the rights of others. The future of Cuba has to be with everyone and for the good of all. The Homeland is an altar and not a pedestal!

Is a union possible between Cuban activists of different ideological signs? they asked the playwright on Twitter. “It is not only possible, but it is necessary. But the first thing is respect between us. I do not waste time attacking other opponents, that is the strategy of State Security. There has to be an agreement or consensus between us. To not attack each other, to respect each other, to join forces. I have never attacked another opponent either in my profiles or on a personal level,” said García Aguilera.

What do you think?


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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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Iván León

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.