Professor Pedro Albert goes on hunger and thirst strike in Valle Grande prison

“We receive information from Valle Grande. Professor Pedro Albert stood up today in the Hunger and Thirst Strike, along with his exercise of rebellion that he has been carrying out since 08/25, not attending the count or wearing the common prisoner uniform," indicated the activist's entourage.

El profesor Pedro Albert Sánchez © Facebook / Pedro Albert Sánchez
Professor Pedro Albert Sánchez Photo © Facebook / Pedro Albert Sánchez

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban professor,Pedro Albert Sánchez, a 65-year-old cancer patient imprisoned since November 3 for his manifest willingness to participate in theCivic March for Change of 15N, went on hunger and thirst strike again this Wednesday in the Valle Grande prison.

“We receive information from Valle Grande. Professor Pedro Albert stood up today in the Hunger and Thirst Strike, along with his exercise of rebellion that he has been carrying out since 08/25, not attending the count or wearing the common prisoner uniform," indicated the activist's entourage in theirsocial networks.

Screenshot Facebook / Professor Pedro Albert Sánchez

At the beginning of February, the professor decided to go on a hunger and thirst strike until specific State Security officials and the journalists met with himCristina Escobar andYoani Sanchez.

Known for walking alone and silently in favor of human rights, Albert participated in the protests against the government on July 11, 2021, a gesture for which he spent more than a week in detention, and was then awaiting trial. .

On November 3, the professor wanted to carry out another of his walks towards El Cristo de La Habana, to show his solidarity with the call for the 15N March. The authorities arrested him and transferred him to the Valle Grande prison.

"They give me the character of a criminal and counter-revolutionary, based on the misrepresentation of my attitudes, of political essence, with deeply patriotic and humanist feelings," Albert denounced from prison, listing the reasons that led him to stand down.

Furthermore, "the abuse of power and cruelty against my wife, which went so far as to deteriorate her health until today, could not be reported," the professor argued, pointing to the Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) as responsible. of the repression and injustices he suffered.

“This apparatus of justice, distortion and entanglement is the same one that has me locked up,” said Albert, pointing to “the leadership of the country, absolutely wrong, in its desire to morally discredit any person or event that exposes the dictatorial component.” and arrogance of what calls itself The Revolution.”

Facebook capture / Miryorly García

This Wednesday, Cuban activists expressed their solidarity with the activist and asked artists and intellectuals not to let more innocent people die. “At this time, this political prisoner is on a hunger and thirst strike. Let us ask for his freedom,” he said.Miryorly García.

The activist also spokeDaniela Rojo, former coordinator of the civic platformArchipelago, organizer of the 15N March. Rojo, who met Albert while both were detained last November, praised the professor's integrity and spirituality.

“He is a magnificent person, he has values and dignity that are difficult to find,” Rojo said in a direct message in which he also addressed the State Security officer who “cares” for the professor. To make him notice the cowardice of having an elderly man imprisoned and sick with cancer.

With several hunger strikes as his only means of protest, Albert's health deteriorates every day he spends in prison, which is why Rojo advocated for his release as a humanitarian case. “In the same way that you, my loves, made my arrests viral and protected me, please make at least one post today for the teacher,” asked the activist in exile.

In 2018, Pedro Albert was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Throughout that year he underwent radiation and finally cancer vaccines. Since then he remained in remission with consultations every six months to be evaluated by specialists at the Oncology Hospital.

While in prison they did a PSA test and informed one of his children that he has normal parameters. Pedro had a consultation in February 2022 and they did not take him to that medical appointment.

"I offered my freedom, I now offer my life. I hope I do not lose it and can channel all the goodness of my heart. I trust in you and in God, Homeland without Death, we will grow. Amen!" Albert said in his previous strike. hunger.

Pedro Albert Sánchez taught classes at the "Federico Engels" Vocational School in Pinar del Río. In December 2020, he announced the holding of a walk in Havana and criticized the government ofMiguel Diaz-Canel for repressing its citizens, especially afterthe peaceful sit-in of 27N.

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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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Iván León

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.