Most Cubans live below the poverty line

Currently, one dollar in the informal foreign exchange market costs 180 Cuban pesos, so in most homes it does not reach 100 dollars per month.

Homeless man, Calle Obispo, Havana (reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 1 year ago

HeCuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) assured that the majority of the inhabitants of Cuba livebelow the poverty line.

"More than 72% of Cubans live below the poverty line and only 14% expect their personal situation to improve in the near future," the OCDH said in aarticle which summarizes the data from a research report presented this Thursday in Madrid.

They arefifth report about himState of social rights indicates that 55% of Cuban households receive less than 100 dollars per month. This places the majority of citizensbelow the poverty line according to the standards of the World Bank, which places it at income of$1.90 dollars daily.

Currently adollar in Cuba, in the official currency exchange market it costs123.60 pesos and the The minimum wage is 2,100 CUP, so millions of people live on the island with incomes that do not exceed 20 dollars per month.

At the beginning of October, one dollar cost 200 pesos in the informal currency market. Currently the exchange rate is 1x180 CUP. This information is important because onlya third of Cuban families receive remittances from abroad, the rest must buy foreign currency to acquire basic necessities.

Other problems that were identified in the research refer to the food, energy, health and drinking water supply crises.

The results of the OCDH report were obtained after the analysis of1,227 surveys carried out between July 11 and August 10, 2022. They were applied in 59 municipalities in 14 Cuban provinces.

Other data in the report

Thefood crisis in Cuba It is the main problem for 64% of the Cubans surveyed. 54% consider that the quality of their diet and that of their family is poor and the majority consider that the products in the notebook are only enough for 10 days of the month.

It followsinflation that was triggered by the "ordering task" and other erroneous economic policies of the regime. The number of homes without drinking water supply also increased by 15% and the number of homes with recurring power outages by 72%.

Thehealthcare is among the main concerns. 56% of those surveyed said they had to pay or give "gifts" to be treated in the public health system. They denounce thelack of medicines and they specify that eight out of 10 people do not get the medicine they require at a pharmacy.

Thehousing problems in Cuba They also appear in the report. 44% of the country's houses need rehabilitation or repair. In addition, there are 12% of homes in danger of collapse and this number increased after Hurricane Ian passed through the west of the country.

42% of young people between 18 and 30 years old denounce that the political system is the main problem in the country. 74% of those surveyed value the economic and social management of the regime negatively and 54.3% consider it very negative.

In 55% of those surveyed, the feeling of unhappiness predominates and up to 13% of people declared themselvescompletely unhappy in Cuba.

In July 2022, the OCDH alerted the democratic governments of the world about thecrisis situation in Cuba and asked that they speak out in favor of the people in the midst of the harsh political, economic and social situation.

In recent months there have been numerous protests in Cuba against blackouts and government mismanagement, to which the regime responds with arrests and pitting Cubans against Cubans in the streets, throughout the country.

This Wednesday the chancellorBruno Rodriguez Grill another blamed the United States government for the current crisis and held it responsible for the suffering of the Cuban people, in an annual report on the economic embargo on the island.

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