Marco Rubio rejects US intelligence report on "Havana syndrome"

For his part, Cuban-American congressman Mario Díaz-Balart went further and considered that the report from the US Intelligence Community is part of the Biden administration's strategy to initiate a new change in relations with Cuba.

Embajada de Estados Unidos en La Habana (imagen de archivo) © Twitter / @hamed_toledo
United States Embassy in Havana (archive image) Foto © Twitter / @hamed_toledo

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban-American senator Marco Rubio rejected the observations of a US intelligence report which rules out that the one known as "Havana syndrome" was caused by a foreign agent or by the use of weapons that emit energy waves.

“I am concerned that the Intelligence Community will effectively conclude that US personnel, who reported symptoms of AHIs, were simply experiencing symptoms caused by environmental factors, illnesses or pre-existing conditions,” the politician said in a statement. statement.

For Rubio, the matter still leaves many unknowns unresolved and investigators seem “rushed” to reach a conclusion about the Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs) that affected more than 1,000 US officials throughout the year. world.

“As I've said before, something happened here and just because we don't have all the answers, doesn't mean it didn't happen. I will not accept that all these reported cases were just coincidences. “I will continue working on this issue until we receive real explanations,” said the vice president of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Although the new evaluation does not deny the so-called Havana Syndrome, it does affirm that after several years of research the experts concluded that It was "very unlikely" that a foreign adversary like Russia was responsible for the symptoms described.

The final intelligence report concluded that medical experts could not attribute the symptoms to an external cause other than a pre-existing condition or environmental factors, including conditions such as clogged air ducts in office buildings that could cause headaches.

Likewise, the expert panel also questioned a psychological cause, arguing that "psychosocial factors alone cannot explain the main features, although they may cause some other incidents or contribute to long-term symptoms."

Analysts examining groups of reported cases found no pattern or common set of conditions that could link individual cases; nor did they find any evidence or geolocation data indicating that an adversary had used a form of directed energy, such as ultrasonic radio waves.

In a statement, the director of the CIA, William J. Burns, said he fully supported the conclusions of the report, developed by analysts who had conducted "one of the largest and most intense investigations in the Agency's history."

However, he clarified that "these findings do not call into question the 'real' experiences and health problems that US Government personnel and their families have reported while serving our country."

“The Senate Intelligence Committee will continue our ongoing independent review of the Abnormal Health Incidents and take steps to ensure that officers affected by these incidents receive immediate and comprehensive care as required by law,” said Senator Rubio.

For his part, the Cuban-American congressman Mario Díaz-Balart went further and considered that the report of the US Intelligence Community is part of the strategy of the Biden administration to initiate a new change in relations with Cuba.

“The Biden administration has spent the last two years looking for ways to appease and grant concessions to the Cuban regime. “This report is a blatant preview of Cuba’s removal from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, a measure this administration has been working on since taking office,” said Díaz-Balart.

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