An opportunity for Democrats

Donald Trump has been accused of 34 crimes. It is not known whether he will be able to aspire to the presidency again or, as a legal solution to this monumental impasse, an agreement will be reached that would prevent him from occupying the White House again.

La Casa Blanca © Pixabay
The White House Photo © Pixabay

Donald Trump, as is known, has been accused of 34 crimes. What is not known is whether he will be able to aspire to the presidency again, or as a legal solution to this monumental traffic jam, an agreement will be reached that would prevent this man from occupying the White House again. For now, very proud, he declared that he had the support of some new seven million dollars - there support is measured by the fundraising capacity that the leaders have - from some 125,000 new contributors to his cause.

Donald Trump is a formidable candidate. He dominates TV like no one else in the Republican Party. It's a "showman” more than a statesman. In the 2016 elections destroyed the image of the Republican senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and of Chris Christie, then governor of New Jersey, also a Republican. He broke the agreement proposed by Ronald Reagan not to attack any Republicans. He even said in an interview that DeSantis had been as bad or as good for Floridians as the former governor of Florida, Charlie Crist. When he eliminated his Republican adversaries one by one, and was alone against the Democrats, he lost by almost three million votes, but won the electoral vote (304 to 227) and thus reached the White House against Hillary Clinton.

The truth is that there are more Democrats. There is a greater number of members in the Party and those who vote are mostly Democratic sympathizers. This was seen with complete clarity in the elections in which Joe Biden was elected in 2020. He won with the support of 306 electoral votes compared to 232 for Donald Trump. Hillary had been avenged. In addition, Trump got 74 million votes, the highest number ever obtained by a defeated presidential candidate, but Biden had obtained 81 million votes. That is: the largest number of votes that have ever given their support to a president. He had won by more than seven million votes! A figure that doubled the difference observed by Hillary Clinton and which ensured that the surprise of a Republican victory in the electoral college would not be repeated.

What had happened? Simple: the Republicans were dying “with their pants off” (rather, those with their “shorts on”) and some young people arrived at the polls with the concerns and values that in the USA they call “progressive” and everywhere as “sense.” common”: Racism. He Me Too. Feminism and feminicide. Opposition to “guns for everyone” – including psychopaths, judging by the insistence on not asking questions – and the cult of the ridiculous Second Amendment. Environmentalism and climate change. Sexual orientation and the choice of gender to which one belongs.

More and more people believe in the “progressive agenda.” The Democratic Party has been discovering causes to join. Joe Biden He seems very happy with those discoveries that seem juvenile to him, although later, once the discoveries are made, numerous adults join him. And, as often happens, these causes have crossed borders and are adopted in other latitudes without knowing that they are the result of American “modernity.”

In any case, there are other measures, such as NATO enlargement and the extension of the European-American security blanket, which go against the anti-globalization that militates in Trump's territory, or the hatred and suspicions that it arouses George Soros between the trumpist, a way of being anti-Semitic, without it being noticed. Before World War II (1939-1945) the Nazis accused Jews of “stabbing the Germans in the back” without evidence, which led six million European Jews to extermination camps, including children, ignoring that One hundred thousand Jews from that ethnic group had taken to the battlefield during the “Great War” or World War I (1914-1918).

It is true that Trump manages the show with enviable skill, but amid his countless legal setbacks, according to polls, 60% of Americans agree with his indictment. Even those who defend him do not say that he is innocent, but rather affirm that a “climate of political persecution alien to the American liberal tradition” has been created: a poor defense if ever there was one. Without a doubt, an opportunity is created for the Democrats and their so-called “progressive” agenda.

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Carlos Alberto Montaner

Carlos Alberto Montaner Suris is a Cuban journalist, writer and politician.

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Carlos Alberto Montaner

Carlos Alberto Montaner

Carlos Alberto Montaner Suris is a Cuban journalist, writer and politician.