Lada hits cyclist in Havana

Reports on social media indicated that the accident occurred near the bus stop known as Bar Madera, and that the cyclist had to be taken to the hospital.

Lugar donde presuntamente ocurrió el accidente (imagen de referencia) © Captura de video YouTube / Manejando por Cuba
Place where the accident allegedly occurred (reference image) Photo © YouTube video capture / Driving through Cuba

A brand carPepper collided this Tuesday with a cyclist on a highway in Havana, causing injuries that had to be treated at a hospital.

Reports insocial networks They indicated that the accident occurred near the bus stop known as Bar Madera, located near the Antonio Pulido Humarán Polyclinic hospital and the Correo de Arroyo Arenas post office.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

“A teenager was run over on the Bar Maderas bridge, on the Pinar del Río highway. “He tried to cross the highway on an electric bicycle and was hit by a Lada that was traveling in front of me,” said a user in the Facebook group ‘Buses & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!'

According to the version shared by the alleged witness to the events, the young man was unconscious when he was put into another vehicle that took him to the hospital. At the time of writing this note, details about its subsequent evolution are unknown.

“We gave him help and we put him in a car to take him to a hospital, but he was unconscious. Please give news. I don't know him, but it affected me a lot because I think this young man couldn't have even been 20 years old," he said.

The fact was confirmed by other social network users, who commented on the event after witnessing the police deployment at the scene.

"Last night, around 8 pm, I passed by the bridge and the LADA was still there, with criminalistics officers and two little horses. I just hope the boy is okay," said one.

"We passed around 6 in the afternoon and the bicycle was in the street and the LADA covered the windshield with a blanket. I hope the boy recovers soon," confirmed another.

At the end of june,a minor was injured after hitting a passenger car on Vía Blanca, in the municipality of Regla, in Havana. Reports on social media indicated that the minor was taken to the hospital, but appeared to have “no life-threatening injuries.”

A couple of months before,a tourist car hit a cyclist on a road at the exit of the Boyeros municipality, also in Havana. According to reports on social networks, the woman received a blow to the forehead and was helped by several people who were at the scene.

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