What has Javier Milei said about the Cuban regime?

A detractor has emerged at the Palace of the Revolution who will occupy the Casa Rosada on December 10 (Human Rights Day), just when the dictatorship represses opponents, activists and independent journalists.

Miguel Díaz-Canel y Javier Milei © Tribuna de La Habana - Captura de video X / @EconomicArgy
Miguel Díaz-Canel and Javier Milei Photo © Tribuna de La Habana - Video capture X / @EconomicArgy

Javier Miley won the Argentine elections this Sunday andwill take office on December 10, coinciding with International Human Rights Day.

The leader of the La Libertad Avanza party defeated the ruling partySergio Massa, who headed the Unión por la Patria party, a group with clear sympathies with the Cuban regime, identified with Peronism and controlled by Kirchnerism.

A detractor has emerged from the Palace of the Revolution who will occupy the Casa Rosada precisely on the date on which the dictatorship traditionallyrepresses opponents, activists and independent journalists who intend, year after year, to celebrate Human Rights Day in Cuba.

Loquacious, intelligent, explosive, Javier Milei has spoken a lot about the lack of rights and freedoms in Cuba. His statements, loaded with adjectives, have been accurate regarding the nature of the Cuban regime, but his vehemence has generated controversy among analysts.

“Hello, I am Javier Milei, the Libertarian Liberal, and this message is for all the Cuban brothers who are waking up to the ideas of freedom, who are rebelling against that 'son of remilp...' regime that is screwing them over. life,” the economist said on his social networks afterthe historic outbreak of 11J in Cuba.

A fierce defender of freedom and democracy, Milei's speech opens fire against the populist governments of the region, especially that of Argentina; but also the regimes of Venezuela and Cuba, against which he does not spare in disqualifications and considers communist dictatorships.

Excited by the events of 11J on the Island, the university professor and lecturer asked Cubans not to give up in their fight for freedom. “Freedom will bring you prosperity, well-being and above all, a lot of happiness. So, Cuban brothers, do not give in. Don't give in, it's your time, move forward! Long live freedom, damn it!

Interviewed on July 12, 2021 on the Argentine television channelA24, the now winner of the elections called the Cuban regime “bloody, murderous and starving,” and considered the protests as a manifestation of its decomposition and fall.

“Cuba is a prison and hell because of the decision of the communists,” he said in 2018, responding to a social media user who criticized his statements on a television program and reproached him for not taking “the blockade” into account in his analysis. .

“If for left-handers globalization is bad, how can they argue that Cuba's problem is the blockade? "You have to be very stupid," the economist said to himself in his characteristic provocative tone.

The confrontation arose as a result of Milei's intervention in the television program Intractables deAmerica TV, in which the academic rebuked a supporter of the Cuban system and told her: “If you like Cuba so much, go live in that country, I will pay your ticket.”

If there is something that Milei believes has been demonstrated by history, it is the failure of the socialist or communist model. In the case of the experiments in this sense undertaken by governments in the region, the Argentine is relentless in his denunciation of the loss of freedoms that come with them.

His messages against the over-dimensioning of the State in these regimes have led him to use Cuba as an example of moral and material impoverishment, loss of individual rights and freedoms, and submission to totalitarian power.

Milei has referred a lot to the Cuban dictatorship in very critical terms. However, as of December 10, the elected president of Argentina will take office and begin to govern in a divided country, whose previous executives forged strong alliances with Havana.

The realism of current international relations, the responsibility of the position and the dignity it holds will surely influence Milei's adjective. Although his ideas about the Cuban regime will remain the same (in his case they are convictions), it is possible that he will moderate his tone when expressing them.

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