Milei prohibits inclusive language in the Argentine public administration

The Argentine government began actions to end the use of gendered language, a practice adopted by the previous administration.

The president of Argentina,Javier Miley, took a turn in the country's linguistic policy by prohibiting the use ofinclusive language in public administration.

The decision, announced this Tuesday by the presidential spokespersonManuel Adorni, marks a clear opposition to the regulations imposed by the administration ofAlberto Fernandez, who governed the country from 2019 to 2023.

Adorni explained to the press that the government initiated the necessary actions to nullify the use of linguistic variants that include the use of the letter e, the at and the x, as well as the forced inclusion of the feminine in official texts.

The Argentine government insists that this measure seeks to preserve the grammar of Spanish, which "represents all sectors" of society.

Milei's approach aligns with his campaign promises in which he called for fighting against what he calls"indoctrination of Marxism", which he associates, among other elements, with the creation of inclusive language, "gender ideology" and the "ecological agenda."

Adorni also stressed that the presidency will not enter into discussions about the use of language and reiterated the intention to continue with the regulations already applied by the Ministry of Defense in its official documents.

The government ofJavier Miley He promotes other actions to distance himself from the policies of his predecessors. The president, known for his controversial positions and his rhetoric against certain social movements, is determined to promote reforms that clearly reflect his political and social ideals.

Theban on inclusive language At the government level it is a sample of the direction that his government intends to follow.

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