Cuban government denies interference in the internal affairs of Argentina

The Cuban diplomat said that Cuba does not promote, participate, or carry out acts that constitute interference in the internal affairs of Argentina.

Eugenio Martínez Enriquez, general director of Latin America and the Caribbean at the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, assured that the island's government does not interfere in Argentina's internal affairs.

"We have observed slanderous attempts to associate Cuba with the alleged agitation or preparation of acts of vandalism in the Republic of Argentina. I categorically affirm that Cuba does not promote, participate in, or execute acts that constitute interference in the internal affairs of Argentina," Martinez expressed.

The Cuban diplomat insisted that "the narrative that seeks those responsible in Cuba for internal situations in Argentina is a failed attempt to find causes where they should not be sought."

Last week, the Minister of Security in Argentina, Patricia Bullrich, pointed out that his country is investigating the possible involvement of Cuban and Venezuelan agents in the organization of demonstrations against the Argentine government.

He refused to offer specific data to the local press and closed the comment with a brief phrase: "Work is being done", in reference to the possible detection of activists of Cuban and Venezuelan origin, in the organization of the demonstrations.

That same week the Argentine president Javier Miley announced that will not appoint ambassadors to Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

The president gave a twist in diplomatic letters and with them he moves away from the foreign policy developed by his predecessor, the Peronist Alberto Fernández.

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