Yutong driver refuses to take a couple in Pinar del Río for lack of money

Eniley Martínez Valdés, a nurse from Pinar del Río, denounced the refusal of the driver of a Yutong bus to transport her and her husband from San Cristóbal to Los Palacios for not having the amount that he decided the transfer would cost: 600 pesos for each one.

Ómnibus Yutong (imagen de referencia) © ACN
Yutong bus (reference image) Photo © ACN

Affected by theacute economic crisis in Cuba, which impacts basic services, such astransport, thousands of Cubans are forced daily to look for alternatives to get to work or back to their homes, although on many occasions their intentions are frustrated.

Eniley Martínez Valdés, a nurse from Pinar del Río, denounced this Wednesday on Facebook therefusal of the driver of a Yutong bus to take her and her husband to Los Palacios because he did not have the amount that he decided the transfer would cost: 600 pesos for each.

Facebook screenshot/Eniley Martínez Valdés

Martínez revealed that, on Wednesday afternoon, when he was on the San Cristóbal bridge bound for the Los Palacios municipality,The driver of the bus with license plate B226653 rudely removed them from the vehicle., whyShe and her partner could only pay 400 pesos for both of them., and he considered it insufficient.

“Gentleman, it is cruel that there are so many people on the bridges waiting to catch transportation to go home with boys and they do not pick them up because the drivers want more money than enough,” denounced the nurse.

“Today a big blue Yutong stopped and I asked him if I was able to get on with my husband and he told me how much money I had in hand and I told him 400 pesos for both of us and he told me that it was insufficient for me to get off and who Do not give San Cristóbal to Los Palacios 600 for each one who does not ride andHe insults us with rudeness, that Yutong is his and he does whatever he wants”Martinez said.

According to her testimony, her husband got out of the vehicle and took a photo at the license plate, and then, the driver “gets out to challenge my husband and throws the bus on him and if he takes his phone he will break it. The number plate on the bus is B226653”.

Despite her indignation at the incident, the young woman did not publish the photo of the vehicle, although some of her followers urged her to do so and agreed that she should file a complaint with the transport company to which the vehicle belongs.

In her post, the nurse stressed that the driver's way of treating the public is not correct. “With the needs that exist, by God, no one sees that. Until when... We beat each other every day instead of helping each other," he said, and confessed that the fact "hurt him a lot."

Thelack of transportation It is a headache for thousands of Cuban workers who must travel to their workplaces and return to their homes, and due to their meager salaries they are unable to afford the high prices asked by private drivers and also those of state vehicles. For retirees, the cost is even higher, due to the very poor pensions they receive.

Just a year ago,The Cuban government ordered state drivers to support passenger transportation. The first MinisterManuel Marrero He gave instructions to the head of that sector to organize the application of the measure, which would involve all drivers of State vehicles.

“In the midst of the complex situation that our country is experiencing, the use of state transportation to support passenger transportation is essential,” he said on February 1.

But since then, a lot has rained and the population continues to be the most affected by the crisis and the insensitivity of state transportation drivers.

An event that occurred last July confirms that the orders fall on deaf ears, and nothing happens because of it:A taxi driver from a state agency refused to take a 78-year-old woman from the Miguel Henríquez hospital to her home for missing 100 pesos from the price he had set for the race, which was 600.

“Hello, I need you to share this postso that the directors and managers of Taxi Agencies can see the lack of respect that their workers have with the country's state cars -because they do not own any- with the public in need,” the lady's daughter denounced on social networks.

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