Mothers respond indignantly to report from the regime that denies increase in violence in Cuba: "It is lie after lie"

People considered this Wednesday's broadcast of the program Hacemos Cuba as a lack of respect, for omitting the reality of the Cuban people.

The denial by authorities of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and the Attorney General's Office (FGR) of the increase in violence in Cuba, has generated various reactions among Cuban society, mainly affected by the alarming proliferation of crime on the island.

Data managed by the government was exposed in the program of the official Canal Caribe,We make Cuba, byBeatriz Peña La O, head of the Investigation Department of the Directorate of Criminal Proceedings of the FGR, and ColonelIdael Fumero Valdés, head of Information and Analysis of the Technical Directorate of Investigations of the MININT, under the leadership of the regime's spokespersonHumberto Lopez.

According to these sources in CubaThe biggest crimes occur in the heritage area, with 81%, while those carried out withviolence represents 9%, a minimum below what they qualify asOther Crimes that have 10%.

Specifically regarding violence, spokesperson López stated in his introduction to the program that there is a “quite widespread perception that in recent times crimes associated with violence have increased” and he blamed the networks for being channels for reporting these events.

The officials shared a group of data, graphs and images, whose objective was to demonstrate that there is no increase in violence in Cuba, something that does not coincide with citizen perception in recent months.

In fact, the reactions of Cubans were immediate.

A question in the Facebook group "Cuban Mothers for a Better World" sparked several comments among followers.

Screenshot/Cuban mothers for a better world

“They are going to tell me that now there is the same violence as 10 years ago, when I could go out and return alone at dawn and I never had a scare, Shuuuuu. Not even in the festivals was formed what 'Cuba, paradise on earth' is formed now, yes, yes, of course," were the words of a user outraged with the approaches that were being given in the television program, popular for its social lynching of Cuban dissidents and activists.

Another person stated in complete agreement with the previous comment that three years or more ago, she went out until dawn and was not afraid to walk in her municipality. “I recently went to the polyclinic to get an injection because I couldn't stand the ear pain and I was with my heart on my sleeve. There is no violence, look,” he said.

For another Internet user, it was striking that they did not touch on the issue of femicides. “And they didn't even touch on the issue of the number of murdered women, Humberto didn't even ask that, not if I took an insult that I asked my husband if there was no phone to call there, what a lack of respect they are,” she expressed.

There was no shortage of examples to contradict the words expressed by the officials. "Look if there is no violence, in Luyano we mothers are accompanying the boys to school because they are attacking with machete in an area near 2 high school," confessed a mother.

Another user said that she decided to turn off the television because "I can't handle so many lies."

The Havana regime uses its media to contradict the proven facts that happen in Cuba, and that are denounced by the population itself, in a feeling of fed up and dissatisfaction with the problems of insecurity that they have to face combined with the lack of commodities and rising inflation, both of which the government has been unable to stop.

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