Cándido Fabré composes a song during the blackout: "What is experienced in the town"

"Between blackout and lighting" is the title of the song. Fabré lives in Oriente, where there are blackouts of up to 18 hours, so he has plenty of material.

Cándido Fabré © Cándido Fabré / Facebook
Candide Fabré Photo © Cándido Fabré / Facebook

The Cuban musician Candide Fabré He composed a song dedicated to blackouts, in which he describes what happens in homes and neighborhoods when the electricity is turned off and when it is restored.

Fabré lives in Manzanillo, Granma, and in the east of the country the power cuts last up to 18 hours each day, so he has plenty of material to compose his song.

Between blackout and lighting, was the title he gave to his song, the lyrics of which he shared on his profile. .

"When the current comes / I take advantage of the joy. / I do everything I can / between blackout and light.

The television turns on, / I raise the voice of the radio. / The hot corner is set up, / The hubbub of the neighborhood.

They are the same comments. / Nobody has a new topic. / It is the newspaper news, / what is experienced in the town.

Some who slept badly / wake up impatient. / When the most innocent shout: 'Dad, they put it in.'"

The chorus says: "They take it off, they put it on. They put it on, they take it off".

Facebook capture / Cándido Fabré

Fabré, a defender of the regime who prides himself on being a loyalist, is so fed up that this week He complained about the blackouts and reminded the government that "it charges quite expensively" for this service. that takes away from people.

"I would like some national leader to live with us so that he feels what we feel where, without turning on the power, they turn it off at any time for excessively long periods of time. There may be energy problems but we are paying a very high price," he said on Facebook.

The fuel crisis, added to the deterioration of electrical installations in Cuba, has worsened the energy crisis in recent years. These days the population suffers severe blackouts that make their lives even more difficult, since often the little food that is available spoils under the intense heat of the Island.

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