Cubans in different locations protest with pots and pans against the continuous blackouts

Blackouts are increasingly prolonged in Cuba, while citizens report having electricity for only a few hours a day.

Several Cuban towns staged cacerolazos on the night of this Saturday and the early hours of this Sunday against the terrible government management of the energy crisis, according to reports on social networks.

Neighbors of El Palenque, in the San Antonio de los Baños municipality, took to the streets and sounded the cauldrons in the middle of a blackout that kept this town in the Artemisa province in total darkness.

According to videos published onFacebook, which although it is not possible to distinguish much in them due to the darkness in which they were filmed, you can hear the sound of pots and pans.

Facebook Capture/Merci Barios

InCacocum, Holguin, a similar event would also have occurred, when residents asked for the restoration of electrical service, according to publications and videos circulating on social networks.

Facebook capture/Luis Enrique González Amador

"Last night the people of Cacocum savored the reward of not remaining silent in the face of injustice and abuse, after 15 hours of electricity outage we came out unanimous, with the same feeling, without exercising violence or committing crimes, but exercising coercion and making it feel that Cacocum is a town that cannot stand any more suffering, more misery, more mistreatment. “Cacocum won by protesting, by taking to the streets,” they wrote on the Facebook page.Cacocum News”.

Capture from Facebook/Cacocum News

In 2022,Cubans took to the streets on several occasions, to protest the extensive blackouts they were experiencing. Habitually,The regime's response to the demands of the population has been repression, imprisonment and campaigns to discredit and delegitimize the protests in the official media..

However, for years, theenergy situation in the country is serious, and the regime tries to justify it seasonally, without finding a definitive solution to the matter.Cubans also complain on social networks.

“Greetings from Guantánamo, the city of lights, misery and hunger,” said one user.

“From Playa Girón (Matanzas). I am sleeping on a mat on the terrace on the third floor of my house. “What delicious air conditioning comes from the sea,” one Internet user ironically confessed.

The complaints also mention the discomfort of mosquitoes, so common in Cuba.

“Four (hours) with current and four (hours) with mosquitoes,” added another user.

For this Sunday, the estimates in the daily note issued by theElectrical Union (UNE) Cuban authorities propose an average impact of 1,350 MW, on a day where the availability of the National Electroenergy System (SEN) at 7:00 am was 1,850 MW and the demand was 2,650 MW.

For the hours of highest consumption, an availability of 2,105 MW and a maximum demand of 3,300 MW is expected, which means that there will be a deficit of 1,195 MW. Therefore, if the expected conditions are maintained, an impact of 1,265 MW is forecast.

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