False: Image of snow on the boardwalk does not correspond to the hail storm in Havana

The work is by contemporary Cuban artist Donis Llago.

snowy boardwalk Photo © Facebook

Cubans woke up this Saturday fantasizing about an image of snow on the Havana boardwalk, and in the context of the migratory crisis, many joked that they were waiting for the ocean waters to freeze.

However, the image does not correspond to the hail storm reported on Friday in Havana and Artemisa.

The Technical Youth magazine in clarifies that the image is false, and that on Friday only abundant hail was reported.

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The image, taken out of context, corresponds to a work from the series FACHADAS (2012) bycontemporary Cuban artist Donis Llago, the biologist Alejandro Palmarola revealed in his profile, based on a notice from María Milian.

The official magazine tries to give a dramatic tone to the matter, ensuring that "in the face of informed people there is no valid false news."

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Some Cubans responded to such an approach by saying that "I wish they would put the same effort into detecting the NTV's lies."

The photo began to circulate in the context of thelocal storm severe that left abundant hail in Havana and Artemisa on Friday.

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Reports insocial networks They showed completely white areas due to the accumulation of ice.

The phenomenon was most visible in the CUJAE area, Boyeros, and in the community of Párraga, reported official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso on Facebook, where he showed photos and videos of the storm.

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Also inHonda BayIn Artemisa, hail and heavy rain were reported.

Hail falls in Havana.Latin Press

This Friday in western Cuba and southern Florida there was a deterioration in weather conditions and heavy rains and winds caused by a low pressure system have been reported.

In Florida, authorities issued a flood and strong wind alert for Miami, Broward and other southern counties, whichwill remain in effect until Saturday night.

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The day before, the Cuban Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) warned of the entry of a new cold front in the west of the country, which would bring with it a high probability of rain and electric shocks.

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