Kendra, the Cuban mother who sells songs on the Malecón: "At first she sold peanuts"

"One day when I couldn't sell any more peanuts I said, 'Maybe I can project myself with my voice and earn a living.' Then I decided to start singing," Kendra said.

Kendra Pineda Mesa © Kendra Pineda Mesa / Facebook
Kendra Pineda Mesa Photo © Kendra Pineda Mesa / Facebook

Kendra Pineda Mesa, the young mother of two children who goes every dayto the Malecón in Havana and offers to sing to people for 100 pesos, stated that before doing that he was selling peanuts.

In an interview granted to the portalCubaNet, said that her passion for singing comes from when she was a child.

"At first I sold peanuts on the Malecón, I saw people singing with the guitar and that caught my attention. One day when I couldn't sell any more peanuts I said: 'Maybe I can project myself with my voice and thus earn a living.' "So I decided to start singing," he revealed.

This 37-year-old mother, who sings to support her two children, ages five and eight, has received help from supportive people after her story spread on the Internet.

"Many people have brought me money, clothes; the guitar was given to me by a girl who had it as a personal relic. She says she was waiting to see who to give it to, to someone special; so I am very grateful," she said.

This guitar was a special wish of the young woman. About 10 days ago, the Cuban known asThe Iron Man brought clothes, shoes and money to his house, and when he asked her if she needed anything she replied that she would like a guitar.

Kendra, who was a student of Visual Arts at the Higher Institute of Art and in addition to singing, paints, said that for many years she dedicated herself to making work in Braille for the blind, with metal sheets in relief sets. This work benefited her spiritually, because blind people helped her overcome some of her shyness that limited her when it came to speaking.

Her story came to light thanks to Yordanka Cuza, a Cuban who was walking with her daughter on the Malecón when she approached them and timidly asked them if they would like to hear a song.

According to Yordanka, Kendra walked close to the wall "asking everyone if they wanted to hear her sing" but "she always received refusals."

Cuza herself and her daughter first told him no, but then they repented and asked him to sing to them.

The video moved thousands of people who shared it on the Internet, where it went viral.

After knowing his financial situation,Several initiatives were organized on social networks to help her.

Activist Yamilka Laffita - known as Lara Crofs - explained that her most urgent needs are a door for the entrance to the apartment, a gas stove, a water motor and she also needs a plumber and an electrician. To this would be added some clothes and shoes for the children and for Kendra herself.

Crofs specified that the aid collection point is the La Feria Panamericana Store, at 51 and 162.

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