They denounce police abuse against a young man and his sister in Havana

The young man had complained that the police were "always doing the same thing."

Residents in the Havana municipality of La Lisa reported a case of police abuse against a man arbitrarily detained during an agricultural fair on March 25 in that town.

According to testimonies collected by activist Fidel Rangel, the young Alfredo Blanco Bustamante was forcibly detained along with his sister for expressing the phrase "these people are always in the same situation" when he saw the agents arrive.

The incident, captured in a video that has gone viral on social networks under the hashtag #ViralEnRedes, shows the moment in which the police approach private vendors in a La Lisa agricultural market on March 25 and after hearing the complaint of the young man turns against him.

In the images, you can see how Blanco Bustamante is attacked by the agents while they try to put him into a Lada brand car. The young man offered resistance while being subdued by three men, one of them dressed in civilian clothes.

Witnesses report that the sister, identified as Regla, tried to prevent her brother from being taken away and was also detained. In the police cells, they report that both suffered blows, even bursting the woman's ear.

Reports of police abuse in Cuba have become frequent on social networks. Also at the end of March it emerged that apolice abruptly kicked the merchandise that a street vendor had for sale on the ground in the central El Curita park, in Centro Habana, as confirmed by a video broadcast by the independent mediaCubanet.

The images, which have generated deep indignation, show the moment in which two burly police officers approach the place, where what were apparently records and clothing were placed for informal sale.

At the beginning of the same month, a young man died after a beating by a police officer following a false complaint from a woman with psychiatric problems on March 5.

The victim,Luis Yassel Mesa Brito, 38, had gone out to walk her grandson when a woman suddenly began to scream: "Let go of my son! He's taking my son! Pointing at Luis Yassel's grandson," witnesses said.

They specified that the police arrived at the scene and without verifying the veracity of the complaint, they handcuffed and “brutally” beat Luis Yassel, who was later declared dead at the Calixto García Hospital, because he was exhausted from the blows they gave him.

A woman, who declared herself close to the deceased, explained that "that man did not mess with anyone, I knew him, he was from my area, it was all a mistake on the part of that woman when she said that they took her child, at no time did that child "It was nothing of that woman, that child was his grandson."

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