Thief arrested after stealing appliances and supply book in Havana

The Police surprised the thief while he was loading the stolen goods into a truck.

Policías con artículos robados © Héroes de azul en Cuba / Facebook
Police with stolen items Photo © Heroes in blue in Cuba / Facebook

Cuban police arrested a thief red-handed after steal several appliances and even a supply book from a house in Havana.

According to the official profile "Heroes in Blue in Cuba", the officers surprised the thief at the moment when he was putting all the stolen goods into a truck.

Photo: Facebook / Heroes in blue in Cuba

The man broke the main door of the house and took numerous household items, such as two televisions, a gas stove, a refrigerator and a microwave oven, as well as a bicycle and the family's supply book.

Facebook capture / Heroes in blue in Cuba

The fact It occurred in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón and the subject was captured by the local sector chiefs.

Photo: Facebook / Heroes in blue in Cuba

The information published in Facebook generated numerous comments and quite a few Internet users made fun of the thief.

Photo: Facebook / Heroes in blue in Cuba

"What I would like to know is What was that man going to do with the notebook, give it to his son so he could draw, right?"asked a young man.

"I propose that the beneficiary of such a beautiful work give [the police] two pounds of rice from the recovered supply book," said another.

"Why did that citizen want that notebook? I imagine it was for his son to do his schoolwork," said a woman from Santiago.

Other users question the veracity of the event and suspect that it is a montage.

"What a coincidence, how accurate the 'heroes in blue' who only extort and repress. Now my question: a supply card? Really? Why this garbage?"commented a Cuban from the United States.

What do you think?


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