Cuban gives pencils to children on her return to the island: "It's not much, but it's a detail that I did with all my heart"

A Cuban gives pencils to children during her visit to Cuba, a gesture she shared on TikTok and that has moved many users

A Cuban woman had a beautiful gesture with children on her return to Cuba by giving them pencils. A nice detail that he shared on his TikTok profile, where dozens of users applauded the video in which he appears giving them the material.

The name of the Cuban woman who spread this video is @yanetnar11t, who starred in this emotional scene that took place in Santiago de Cuba.

"How I would like to have enough money to help people who need it. It's not much, but it's a detail that I did with all my heart. I love you very much", he wrote at the bottom of the publication, which is gaining views on TikTok.

On the comment board, they left messages such as: "God bless you. What a nice gesture, I would also like to do it the day I go to Cuba", "It is the action that matters. I remember a lot of everyone there, I hope the life help me to help more!! What a beautiful gesture", "If all Cubans had that detail. God bless you", "Blessings. What a beautiful gesture" or "And look at the children's happy faces".

A few weeks ago, a video of a young Cuban woman who took advantage of her visit to the island to go to the school where she studied as a child to give a gift to the children in the classroom.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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