Young man receives a wheelchair thanks to donations from Cubans in Miami

This young woman with disabilities asked the Cuban Iron Man for help and the response came sooner than expected.

Lino Bárbaro Tomasen, known as "The Iron Man", with the help of the comedianLimay Blanco, delivered a wheelchair to a young woman with mobility problems in Cuba.

"Thank you Limay, Pesca en Miami, and José Ramírez. I promised the wheelchair in a month and it came in two days. That's what I call love between brothers, brotherhood. Together we change the world. All we have to do is make one person happy and we're done." making someone's world happy," said the Iron Man on his social networks.

On April 7th followers of the webFishing in Miami, ofLimay Blanco and ofIron Man joined an initiative to compile in the city of the Sun agreat donation of articles, of all kinds, to send to people in need in Cuba.

The project was very well received. They received large quantities of clothing, medicine, food, several wheelchairs and household appliances. Things donated by Cubans in Miami have begun to arrive on the island for those who have special needs or live in vulnerable families.

Facebook The Cuban Iron Man

This young woman had written to the Iron Man, asking for help because her wheelchair was broken. She repaired it with an old briefcase so she could sit, because she had no way of purchasing another one and she depends on that equipment to do daily activities. His request was heard sooner than he imagined.

The donation for this young woman included a fan, clothing, food and toiletries. She and her family thanked the Iron Man, the Cristo Cambia Vidas Ministry and the Cubans who generously collaborated with this donation from Miami.

Last week Limay Blanco and the Cristo Cambia Vidas Ministry donatedtwo wheelchairs for a Cuban woman with a strange condition that makes him unable to stand and walks on all fours.

The Cuban government had never given this woman a wheelchair. When she had to participate in a social activity, she was forced to rent an old chair for 750 pesos.

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