Pipe collapse in Havana leaves six municipalities without water

The conduit broke down due to an electrical failure and affected Habana del Este, Diez de Octubre, Habana Vieja, Cerro, Plaza and Boyeros. Some communities had been without water for three days on Saturday.

Trabajadores de la Empresa Aguas de La Habana en la rotura © Aguas de La Habana AH / Facebook
Workers of the Aguas de La Habana Company at the break Photo © Aguas de La Habana AH / Facebook

The breakage of a pipe in Havana's hydraulic networks has left six of its municipalities without water.

On Saturday, brigades of large drivers from the Aguas de La Habana Company worked at the Cuenca Sur supply source, to repair a 78-inch conduit damaged by electrical failure in the system.

Facebook Capture / Waters of Havana AH

As reported in Facebook the provincial government, the breakdown occurred on Thursday and affected the service in six municipalities: Habana del Este, Diez de Octubre, Habana Vieja, Cerro, Plaza de la Revolución and Boyeros.

The official note indicated that work was being done uninterruptedly to restore service in the shortest time possible.

As an alternative solution, the authorities arranged pipe trucks to bring water to communities that on Saturday had already been without supplies for three days.

Capture of Facebook / Government of Havana

Leonel Díaz Hernández, head of the sector in the capital, specified that the service will be restored gradually and that the work will not stop until the repair of the fault is completed.

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