A 14-year-old adolescent with a snapping hip underwent minimal access surgery at the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Pediatric Hospital in Camagüey, being the first time that the technique was used in operations for this condition in the country.
Raikell Emmanuel Gonzalez Lopez, 14 years old, underwent a surgical intervention whose advantages are the outpatient method, which entails fewer complications than open surgeries and allows the patient to start walking faster, in addition to saving medical material on internal and external sutures.
According to a report from the official newspaperForward, the medical team was led bythe Camagüeyan doctor Alejandro Álvarez López, specialist in orthopedics and traumatology.
The doctor himself explained that "generally this procedure is performed openly, with a deep incision in the skin between seven and 10 centimeters."
“He added thatTo date there is no evidence published in the Camagüey territory or in the country that such surgery has been performed through minimal access, hence its novelty., and it meant that the surgical objective is achieved and the patient's aesthetics are favored,” mentions a Facebook post made by the medical institution itself.
In 2016, the Hospital of the province of Ciego de Ávila wasthe first place in Cuba where arthroscopic hip surgery was performed.
On that occasion, the doctorChristian Wurning, from Austria, and Cuban doctors were in charge of carrying out the surgical intervention, which ended satisfactorily.
The Camagüey territory, particularly, alsohas been a pioneer in other operations such as arthroscopic shoulder surgery.
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