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Humor: Cubana recreates what a day of rest in the United States is like

A Cuban woman has put humor into how she spends her time on the days she does not work in the United States.

Cuban culture is known for its vibrant sense of humor, capable of finding comedy in the most everyday situations.A Cuban living in the United States has captured the attention of social networks by sharing a video where she recreates, with a humorous touch, what a typical day of rest is like in her life in the United States.

The person in charge of bringing a smile to her community was TikTok user @janetyrisas, whose time flies by on the days she doesn't work. To recreate it we see her doing everyday tasks but the clock moves quickly and before she even has breakfast it is after 9 in the morning and before she realizes it is night and she has to go to bed.

Many users have identified with the comical video.

"Literally, even my daughter when we go to Mexico tells me why the days are longer here than at home and I tell her the truth is that yes", "I thought that only I was watching that time passed like this but this video is truly real. Here you see the clock and it's an hour and you see it 5 minutes later and 2 hours have passed","It seems like a joke but it's very true. God, it's like opening and closing your eyes and the day is gone.", "Total! There's something about this country that time is fast", "And at work the hours go by so slowly... worse than in slow motion" or "I'm resting today and my God there's not enough time", These are some of the comments they left for this Cuban.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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