The comedian Ulises Toirac shared a text on his networks in which he takes advantage of the recent resignation of the governor of Cienfuegos to criticize the lack of transparency and credibility of the government, which did not inform citizens of the causes of the supposed resignation.
Ulises stated that the news surprised him, since it is not common for senior Cuban leaders to resign from their positions, much less in the midst of the recent wave of dismissals that has reached several provinces.
Like so many Cubans, the actor wonders what the "errors committed in the performance of his duties" by the governor of Cienfuegos were, as stated in the note published in the official media.
"But if you look at a photo of Alexandre Corona 'you realize' immediately: losing your neck in the battle between face and torso can only be attributed in those charges to a severe hormonal disorder or a severe disorder of functions. And we already know the diagnosis: at those levels there are more resources than hormones," he ironized.
"No one noticed. Not the provincial PCC, not the subordinates, not the supraalterns, no one. He turned himself in because he was undetectable. Marvel has lost a superhero," he added.
Toirac pointed out that leaders must serve their constituents, so it is an obligation to explain what things they did wrong, as the first point for a true "battle against illegalities."
"You are a public servant, not a secret agent of an intelligence agency. (...) Gil has been investigating for months, it seems that he is hoping that everyone will forget about it."he stressed.
Finally, the comedian asserted that credibility and trust in politicians is extremely precarious in Cuba, where People no longer have economic problems, but survival problems.
"Society is unfortunately reeling in such an extreme scenario that I fear the unleashing of uncontrolled violence," he lamented.
"There is no light at the end of the tunnel and the worst thing is: they have not even pointed out where the tunnel is. The old tricks are not applicable. Things have never been at this level," he concluded.
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