Felipe Julio de la Cruz, an elderly Cuban who survives thanks to the good will of his neighbors, was taken to a hospital and was admittedafter the widespread indignation caused by the exposure of his case on social networks.
“Thanks to everything stated in this group in relation to the elderly Felipe Julio De La Cruz, a resident of 1 South/8 and 9 West, this morning he was transferred by health personnel to the municipal hospital, where he is admitted. ", indicated the administrator of the group ofFacebook 'We are all Placetas'.
Wishing him a “speedy recovery and the best solution to improve his quality of life,” the internet userRuben Carrillo He thanked everyone who echoed the complaint published in the aforementioned group.
De la Cruz “is very sick with his legs, he doesn't walk, he only crawls and so he went to the hospital because he is vomiting blood, but they only gave him a pill and they sent him home,” the group's administrator also explained last Wednesday. ,Yaquelin Abreu.
“He doesn't bathe because he can't carry water, and no one can bring him the food assigned to these cases,” explained Abreu when announcing his case, accompanying his complaint with a photograph of the starving old man in an obvious situation of abandonment.
Abreu, who summonedNice Coca Castillo, official in charge of Social Welfare in the territory, to take care of the case, also requested that “the doctor at the area's office dedicate herself to his deteriorating state of health and that, at least once a week, they help him bathe and clean his home".
“They should take that photo to the United Nations meetings where many countries shout about the achievements of the Cuban revolution, as an example of the 'good health and food system' that the people have. There is no reason for a country to let a person reach that state of starvation due to lack of medical care and food. It is time for the world to know the truth about what is happening in Cuba,” commented an Internet user on Carrillo's publication.
In addition to other similar comments, the post also received dozens of other reactions expressing gratitude for the gestures of solidarity and wishes for a speedy recovery for the elderly man.
Elderly, sick and people with disabilities are in the most vulnerable group in the face of the food crisis on the island and inflation, since "their salaries are not even enough to buy eggs," as identified by the media.The Bow of the Center.
A recent publication on their social networks showed an elderly Cuban who fainted from hunger on a street in the Cruces municipality, in Cienfuegos. "Hungry, what I have is hungry", the man was heard saying in a video shared by the aforementioned media.
"Sadly, scenes like these are being seen throughout the country. As a starving population increases and at risk of starvation, the abdomen of the ruling class increases, oblivious to the wave of hunger that is hitting the island of Cuba," he stressed. the post.
This complaint was added to other similar ones reported in recent days, such as that ofyoung man who fainted from hunger on a street in Santiago de Cuba and was able to recover thanks to the solidarity of the people who passed by the place and gave him food.
In addition to these painful scenes, the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) denounced the increase in begging in the country, whereIt is increasingly common to see elderly people search garbage cans in the hope of finding food.
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