314 repressive acts registered in Cuba in April

The Cuban Human Rights Observatory network counted 75 arbitrary detentions and 239 other types of abuses in Cuba in April.

Protestas y represión en Cuba. Imagen de referencia. © Collage de Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Protests and repression in Cuba. Reference image. Foto © Collage de Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

He Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) warned this Monday that in the month of April at least 314 repressive actions against the civilian population of Cuba.

The OCDH network counted 75 arbitrary detentions and 239 other types of abuses, and among the latter, the majority occurred against political prisoners, common or relatives of these, pointed out the organization website.

The report also highlighted the prevalence of repressive actions by the Cuban regime, including activist housing sites, threats, police summons, trials and judicial sentences.

The largest number of reports was concentrated, in order, in the provinces of Havana, Matanzas, Camagüey and Villa Clara.

Finally, the OCDH specified that at least 1,287 have been registered in Cuba repressive actions against the civilian population in the first four months of 2024.

Faced with the secrecy of the regime that hides all types of data about repressive actions, non-profit organizations and human rights defenders count and report crimes committed against Cuban civil society.

He Cuban Conflict Observatory (OCC), in its most recent report, warned that in March there were 654 complaints and protests to demand food, electricity and freedom, considering it a loud and forceful message from the people against the regime.

According to the OCC, people reacted to price increase, the partial dollarization of the economy and devaluation of the Cuban peso.

The text noted that the registration in March 654 protests demonstrates a similar trend to February 2024, with a minimum difference of seven registered protests, but with a significant increase compared to March 2023, when 372 demonstrations were recorded, for an increase of 63.7%.

The non-profit organization also noted that in March complaints related to repressive acts stood out (159), followed by protests that challenged the State's repression against the people (130).

Another non-governmental organization that promotes human rights, Cubalex, denounced that in 2023 there was a increased repression in Cuba, a period in which arbitrary arrests occurred and the country maintained the long list of political prisoners it has imprisoned.

“In the year 2023, Cubalex has identified patterns related to human rights. These include systematic repression against activists, political opponents and human rights defenders, as well as censorship and control of information,” they stated. on social network.

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