After criticism, Maternity Hospital director in Havana removes explicit image of deceased pregnant woman

The director of the Maternal and Daughters of Galicia Hospital was accused of breaching medical ethics after publishing explicit images of the death of a pregnant woman.

Ernesto Cordoví © Facebook/Ernesto Cordoví
Ernesto CordovíPhoto © Facebook/Ernesto Cordoví

Ernesto Cordoví, who recently posted on his Facebook wall the explicit and uncensored image of the intestines of a deceased pregnant patient, had to remove the publication due to the criticism he received for that act.

Last Friday, Cordoví, who serves as the director of the Maternity Hospital "Hijas de Galicia" in Havana, published the aforementioned images after Janet Zulueta Curbelo, the mother of the deceased young Cuban, posted a complaint accusing the doctors of negligence and poor care.

Known for being an enthusiastic YouTuber and "revolutionary" cyber-activist, on this occasion he was criticized for violating medical ethics by publishing images of the surgical procedure and private details that included confidential medical information of the deceased woman.

Before deleting the post, it had accumulated over 300 comments on Facebook, many of which criticized the unnecessary and cruel use of explicit photographs from the management of a health institution.

Laura Castillo Zulueta, 29 years old, was 25 weeks pregnant and was transferred twice on Wednesday, May 15th to the Maternity Hospital Hijas de Galicia, where she was "mistreated and poorly attended to," as narrated by her mother in a heartfelt Facebook post.

Additionally, it indicates that the young woman received negligent treatment, with an altered urine analysis that did not receive the proper attention. Then she claims that, due to the lack of professionalism at that center, she decided to urgently transfer her to the National Hospital, where, despite the efforts of this institution, the young woman passed away.

The YoSíTeCreo platform in Cuba issued a strong statement regarding the death of the young woman, accusing the State of mishandling the patient's private information.

They expressed concern about the inaccurate and conflicting information circulating on social media about the events that led to Laura's tragic death.

YoSíTeCreo in Cuba reiterated the need for a thorough investigation to determine the personal, family, and institutional responsibilities in this case.

They pointed out that a maternal death can involve serious crimes, including obstetric femicide, and that is why they are asking the government for clarity and justice in this complex case.

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