Announces to their parents that they will be grandparents for the first time and it goes viral: "Our baby is going to be the most loved."

Emotional moment when parents find out they will be grandparents for the first time

A young woman shared on TikTok the emotional moment in which she told her parents they are going to be grandparents for the first time, moving the TikTok community. In the video posted by Emily (@emgast), we can see how the young woman gives her parents a box containing items that reveal the big news.

At first, the parents cannot believe it, and their next reaction is to cry. Both cover their faces with their hands, unable to hold back the tears at the joyful news.

The video went viral with over 400 thousand views and thousands of comments from people who couldn't help but get emotional about these grandparents welcoming their first grandchild.

This video always makes me cry, no matter how many times I have seen it. We know that our baby is going to be the most loved by their grandparents. We love them very much," wrote Emily, the person responsible for having touched the hearts of thousands of people around the world who have congratulated her on her upcoming motherhood.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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