Cuban migrant denounces mistreatment by the Refugee Commission in Mexico

The Cuban migrant made the complaint through a local Mexican channel.

A Cuban migrant in Mexico reported mistreatment by police and the Refugee Commission (COMAR) of that country, especially in the prohibition of access to water.

The Cuban, who was identified as Carlos Alberto during statements given to the local media Noticias Frontera Sur, asked for a little bit of respect and consideration from the authorities of that organization towards them, who are in a vulnerable situation.

“I would call on Human Rights to be the ones to bring some order, attention, the minimum level of respect for us. We are not asking for anything big, not to be put in a palace, nor in a hotel, nor anything,” the man said.

According to the Cuban man, the main difficulty lies in accessing some water tanks provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef).

"I'll tell you one thing, that was set up by UNICEF for migrants, so they have water to drink and certain conditions; we have asked for filtered water to drink there and most of the time it has been denied to us," he mentioned.

Recently, it was reported that bus companies in Monclova, a city in the border state of Coahuila, refuse to sell tickets to foreigners, even with legal documents. This has left many migrants, mainly Cubans and Venezuelans, stranded on their route to the United States.

This has caused migrants with these nationalities to get stuck in the city, as it is impossible for them to walk 300 kilometers to the border.

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