A young Cuban man who was murdered in Havana is mourned.

The young man lost his life in a violent fight at a music studio.

Sepelio del joven © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Burial of the young manPhoto © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Friends, family, and acquaintances bid farewell this Friday to the Cuban teenager who was murdered last night in a music studio near Trillo Park in Havana.

The independent reporter Yosmany Mayeta Labrada reported on Facebook that the young man, named Jean Franco, resided in the community of Cayo Hueso and was murdered with two stabbings near Trillo Park, where, as his cousins living abroad recount, a dispute related to music ended fatally.

Although the exact reasons have not been specified, the young man lost his life in a violent fight at a music studio.

At an emotional funeral, friends, family, and acquaintances carried the coffin on their shoulders, and remembered the young man they knew and loved since his childhood.

Post onFacebook

The exact circumstances of the murder are still uncertain, and a call is made to anyone who has precise information about this regrettable event to provide specific details that may help clarify what happened.

"A child who was fighting for your dreams and suddenly they take you away from this world. I just want to say on behalf of the whole family, from my sister Melissa who loves you very much, and your cousins, and Olgaleysis and Osvein, that we say goodbye to you with tears and a sad memory for having left so young..." said a family member on Facebook.

The Cuban government acknowledged on Thursday a concerning increase in criminal violence on the island, including the use of firearms.

According to statements made by Colonel Eddy Sierra Arias, head of the General Directorate of the National Revolutionary Police, criminal activities are linked to a series of factors, including a deterioration of certain ethical values that contribute to the increase in criminal activity.

Sierra Arias highlighted the participation of young people and minors in these criminal acts, emphasizing that many of them are disconnected from education and employment, further worsening the situation.

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