A Cuban woman in Texas leaves a $500 tip for delivery drivers.

A Cuban woman in Texas goes viral for leaving a $500 tip for delivery workers.

Being a delivery driver in Texas is an especially difficult job in the summer, when it gets very hot. That's why a Cuban TikToker wanted to reward the people who deliver her packages under the scorching Texas sun with tips.

The Cuban Claudia González (@claugonzalez_official) left $500 distributed in envelopes for the delivery men who bring her packages to take a tip. An initiative that has caused a sensation on TikTok, where the video of this Cuban has gone viral with more than 8 million views.

In addition to leaving them a tip, this Cuban woman has a fridge at the entrance of her home so they can take a bottle of water or a soft drink.

In her TikTok profile, Claudia González also shared some reactions from the delivery drivers who received her tip for their work.

While some did not notice the box with envelopes on top of the fridge, others did take their envelope, thanking this Cuban for this nice gesture towards them.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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