More than 8,800 Cubans sought refuge in Mexico from January to June of this year.

Cuba is the second country from which the most immigrants arrive in Mexico, surpassed only by Honduras. Out of 8,833 cases, only 2,339 have been resolved.

Solicitudes de asilo en México © INM México
Asylum requests in MexicoPhoto © INM Mexico

More than 8,800 Cubans sought refuge in Mexico from January to June of this year, placing Cuba in second position among countries of origin for immigrants, surpassed only by Honduras.

According to the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR), 8,833 Cubans in irregular situations requested protection from Mexican authorities during their journey towards the United States.

Out of that figure, only 2,339 cases have been resolved, of which 1,314 received a positive response.

In addition, from 2019 - when the administration of the López Obrador government began - until June of this year, 68,188 Cubans arrived in Mexican territory and applied for refugee status.

In total, in the first five months of 2024, 41,427 refugee status applications were submitted, which represent a decrease compared to the same period in 2023 and 2022.

Honduras, with 17,441, exceeds Cuba by more than double. It is followed by Haiti (3,664), El Salvador (3,370), Guatemala (2,306), and Venezuela (2,272).

Source: COMAR

The Central American country is also the one that exported the most citizens from 2019 to June of this year, with a total of 172,596 people.

In that list, Cuba no longer occupies the second place, but the third, surpassed by Haiti.

During the current Administration from 2019 to the end of June 2024, the top five nationalities applying for refugee status in Mexico are Honduras, Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, and El Salvador," stated COMAR's head, Andrés Ramírez Silva, on social media.

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