A Cuban woman explodes because her husband wants to go to Cuba alone: "Since we go out together, we have to return together."

A young Cuban expressed her frustration in a viral TikTok video because her husband, who received his residency in the United States before she did, wants to return to Cuba alone.

A young Cuban woman named Nathyy Zaldivar Toro is upset because her husband received his residency in the United States before she did, so she decided to express her frustration in a video she uploaded to her TikTok account.

The woman argues that they both struggled to leave Cuba and arrive together in the United States, so she considers it unfair that he wants to return to the island alone. In the video, she states:

"He arrived in this country with me, and now it turns out that my husband is getting residency before I do, and my husband wants to go to Cuba. Well, no," she expressed initially.

Then she adds: "I don't want to, my love, because we struggle together here. So he can go to Cuba to be fooling around and pretending to have money with other women while I'm here struggling. I don't want to. And if he wants to go to Cuba alone, he should wait until he has his residency, but as for me going to another country, let them see what it feels like."

The young woman emphasizes that she is not willing to allow her husband to return to Cuba before she also obtains residency, highlighting their shared effort to leave the country.

The video has generated various reactions on social media, where many users have debated the situation and the young woman's perspective on her partner.

"That's right, don't give up," "But if there is trust in a couple, there are no insecurities," "It seems fair to me," "You're doing well," and "Well said," some followers have commented.

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Originally from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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