Cuban shares the lesson she learned after 10 years living in the USA: "They see you progressing and they want to bring you down."

A Cuban who has been in the United States for almost ten years shared on TikTok her experience on how envy and bad vibes from friends and family can affect success.

A Cuban woman in the United States shared a viral reflection on TikTok in which she recounts that one of the biggest lessons she has learned is to keep her projects quiet until they are realized due to people's envy.

"There are a lot of people in this life who want to see you do well, but not better than them. Let me tell you that if there's one thing this country has taught me in almost ten years, it's to keep my mouth shut. Whatever project I’m working on, no matter how insignificant it may be, I don't share anything with anyone until I have everything," said Gaby (who identifies as @mrs_wong1 on TikTok) in her video.

She also mentioned that she believes in bad vibes and the negative intentions of people. According to her, having too many eyes on oneself can interfere with success. "I don't know what happens to people in this country especially, that they see you moving forward and immediately they want to bring you down. Especially those closest to you, it comes from your family and friends who see you wanting to get ahead, who see you wanting to start something, do something out of the ordinary and right away they're looking for the fifth leg of the cat," she explained.

In the text at the bottom of the video, the Cuban added a personal example about the importance of discretion. She explained that when she and her husband started the process of building their house, they decided to keep it a secret until they had the keys in hand. "Many people want to see you do well, but the moment they see you doing better than them, they will immediately look for ways to bring you down. One of the things we did when we started the process of building the house was to keep everything between my husband and me, and until everything was signed and we had the keys in hand, no one knew anything. Listen, there is nothing worse than the eyes and the tongue of people," she wrote.

For the Cuban, many of these attitudes arise from the personal frustration of others, who, lacking the courage to achieve what they want, choose to try to demotivate those who do. "I say that words have a lot of power. At the end of the day, these people have a lot of internal battles with themselves, they have so much frustration because the problem is that they see in you the things they want to do and they don’t have the courage. The way to relieve their frustration is by throwing dirt at you," she concluded.

Her message has resonated among users on the platform, who have identified with her words and have shared their own experiences in the comments.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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