Blackouts in Cuba due to a deficit of 665 MW during peak hours.

On Tuesday, the maximum impact was 701 MW, which is more than 100 MW higher than the forecast due to the "increase in demand during those hours," according to UNE.

The synchronization of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant last Sunday has not resulted in an improvement in the electrical situation in Cuba.

For this Wednesday, an impact of 665 MW is expected during peak hours, but it is likely that the prediction of the experts from the Electric Union (UNE) will be exceeded. This happened on Tuesday, when the maximum impact (701 MW) exceeded the initial forecast by 100 MW due to the "increase in demand during those hours," according to the report.

The service was affected the previous day due to a deficit in generation capacity from 11:00 am to 12:13 am, and then starting at 3:45 pm, which continued throughout the early hours of this Wednesday.

Facebook Capture / Electric Union UNE

For the current day, the UNE reported breakdowns in six blocks of four thermoelectric plants, along with 44 distributed generation central units being out of service due to a lack of fuel (which represents 280 MW affected), in addition to limitations in thermal generation amounting to 352 MW.

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